By Amolak Singh New Orleans
WASHINGTON, D.C.: “For anyone who claims the right to deprive others of their right to freedom and happiness deprives himself of both. By putting his adversaries in prison, his entire Country will be one vast jail. And the jailer is no freer than his Prisoners.” Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize.
WASHINGTON, DC: On Feb.26, 1993, in the presence of hundreds of people and international news media at the National Press Club, the Sikhs honored congressman Vic Fazio, He was presented with a plaque by S_Didar Singh Bains (Pres. International World Sikh Organization [WSO}) and Dr.Gurcharan Singh Dhillon (Pres. WSO USA), The plaque says, “You are recognized as a leader for your efforts. Truly you are an inspiration like the majestic eagle. In recognition of your solidarity and support to the Sikhs Nation: WSO, USA, 1993.”
Messages from Honorable congressmen Walleye Herger and Dan Burton were read, which pledged their support for Justice for the Sikh Nation,
While addressing the group, Hon. Vic Fazio said, the violence in the Streets yesterday (in India) indicative of much more trouble to come. The destruction of the Babri mosque is a kind of exposure of the problems faced in Punjab in the past. All minorities in India need to work together…
“He further said, “India has tried for 100 successfully to prevent the world from watching, They tried, and I think they had some success in Punjab, in preventing International Human Rights Organizations from monitoring the events and activities, which would give the rest of the World a true picture of what is happening there.” Admitting that in the past, Uncle Sam did not focus attention on the human rights violations in India, Hon. Vic Fazio said, “We have had in the past, and Lam not going to mention names, members of key committees, chairman of key committees who were, I think it is fair to say, deaf to the interest of the minorities in India they are not there anymore! We now have new leadership.” Looking to Guru Nanak’s teachings, he further said, “T think we need to focus not only on religious and ethnic tension but the gender issue, the condition of women in India, needs to be discussed as well.
While appreciating and considering the Sikh community as a worldwide community with a Status and respect, Hon Vic Fazio said, “I think there is a very important message that we need to make. You don’t need to take up the terrorist tools to be heard but you must be heard in the councils of law and in the Assemblies of the men and women all across the World. [Hope you will continue to pursue that as your ultimate goal because ultimately truth will win out!” Dr.Kamaljit Kaur Sethi explained how Buddhism was kicked out of India. She asked the audience to imagine how Catholics would feel, if the Italian army attacked the Vatican. She said that the number of Jews is almost the same as the number of the Sikhs. As the Jews help Israel, in the same way the Sikhs should empower themselves and help the Sikhs living in India. She said that considering the atrocities towards the Sikhs in India, we should not put ourselves in a position of forgiving and our aim should be clear we want Khalistan!
S.Gian Singh Sandhu (Past President of International WSO) during his speech said that the Indian Constitution was cleverly written in order to protect the Government officials regardless of their ruthless character. He said, “Section 197 of the Indian Constitution requires the Government to grant authorization before a public servant can be prosecuted. If I was an employee of the Government and I was the one carrying out the orders of that particular Government, would that Government ever sign an order to charge me? How could they? They would never do it. That is the basic reason why those officials or parliamentarians who carried out the atrocities after Mrs.Gandhi’s assassination have never been charged.” He went on to say, “Indian Penal Code Sec.376 says that if a rape occurs within the confinement of the police authority, it carries a sentence of 10 years. I ask you to read the Amnesty International report. Read the story of Sarabjit Kauronly 13 years old raped and killed, and 14 year old Salvinder Kaur raped and killed, these are the facts that you and I have the responsibility to bring to the attention of the free World. What happen to Sec.376? Nobody was charged because Sec.197 protects them.”
Sandhu expressed concern about India’s growing nuclear capabilities. He said, “In 1991 the total revenue that the Indian Government had was only $34 billion and the expenditure exceeded $54 billion. India has a mass population but an annual income of $350 per person. The money our Government is giving in grants is being used to torture the Sikhs and other minorities in India.”
About a year ago Canadian Sikhs sponsored a parliamentary team to visit India in order to see the truth about torturing the Sikhs while in police custody. Telling this sad story to the audience, Sandhu said, “This Canadian team wanted to see a cell where people are detained after their arrest and they were allowed to go the Mall Mandi Police Station in Amritsar, Punjab. That was a very clean spot that was shown to them. The parliamentarian (Mr. Robinson) made comments to me that it was recently washed and they had left water on the floor. When the team looked around they found that the Indian officials forgot to remove the naked electrical wires which were hanging from the ceiling. There was an I-beam that the electrical wires were hanging from. When they questioned the answer was simply that.6” I-beam hanging from the ceiling of a torture center was there for hanging a curtain. Mr. Robinson told them, he said, ‘you can hang an elephant there!’ This was all reported to the Canadian Government.”
The World Sikh Org. in organizing such events as the one held Feb.2628, identifies itself as an umbrella organization representing Sikh interest around the world, It believes in the ideals of universal brotherhood, peace, justice, freedom of worship and speech; and human dignity for all. In its meeting it focused on the unending human rights violations in India, not only against the Sikhs but against all minorities.
While recognizing the support of many elected representatives from all parts of the United States, it was felt that there was a gap in gaining support from the American people; WSO seeks to bring a message to the new administration, Initiate action to redress minority concerns in India. W.S.O. is very hopeful that the generosity and understanding of the American people and the fair minded attitude of the new administration present it a forum to bring change and lasting peace in Khalistan.
Article extracted from this publication >> March 5, 1993