Dear Editor,
This refers to a letter by S. Kuldeep Singh of Toledo, Ohio, published in your newspaper dated October 21, 1994 regarding Chair for Sikh Studies at Columbia University, New York. Since the events mentioned in the letter happened at the Gurdwara Sahib in Cleveland, Ohio, The Executive Committee of Guru Nanak Foundation of Greater Cleveland feels obliged to respond to that letter. We have also noted the comments of Dr. Joginder S. Ahluwalia of Richmond, CA, who responded to that letter in your newspaper dated Nov. 4, 1994, Our response to this whole question is as follows: Dr. Gurinder Singh Mann who is currently Assistant Professor of Sikh Studies at Columbia University was invited by us to speak before the Cleveland Sikh congregation on his research pertaining to the compilation of Guru Granth Sahib in the present form and various other matters related to this and other Sikh issues, He was in Cleveland at the Gurdwara Sahib in the evening of October 1, 1994 where the members of our Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee and other interested Sikhs were present. We had a lengthy informal discussion with him about his research work and other matters related with it. Next day, Processor Mann spoke before the entire congregation on the same subject for an hour. He answered questions raised by various members of the congregation including those mentioned in S. Kuldeep Singh’s letter. His re plies to the questions were authentic, professional in nature, and based on documentary facts which he read out before the congregation. He explicitly proved from his writings that he was neither a student of Mr. Mcleod nor did he tear his line of thought on various Sikh issues. He emphasized that his main mission was to bring before the Sikhs the historical chronology of compilation of our sacred Guru Granth Sahib without questioning in any manner its theological content; we were greatly impressed by his sincerity, depth of knowledge on the Subject as well as his vision about the future work. We were satisfied by his mission and convinced of the need to establish a permanent “Sikh Chair” at the Columbia University. For this purpose our congregation has contributed funds and we have already sent a substantial amount to support it.
Jasvir Kaur Sahota, Richfield. OH
Article extracted from this publication >> November 11, 1994