LONDON: Bhai Sewa Singh Lali, President, Khalistan Government-in-exile, has reiterated that the Sikh struggle for the liberation of the Sikh homeland and establishment of the sovereign state of Khalistan will continue till final victory.

In a statement to the press, issued on the Black Day (August 15), he said that the experiences of the past 43 years had proved beyond any doubt that the Hindu majority of South Asia is incapable of conceding the right of the religious and ethnic minorities to live with dignity in the Indian Union—and the Government of India, in spite of changes in its composition after the last general elections, has proved no different from its predecessors so far as the minorities are concerned.

“The suppression of their universally-recognized human rights, rule over them by terror, atrocities, murders and rapes, destruction of their economy and desecration of their holy shrines, and the vicious propaganda to paint them as bunches of thugs and terrorists, continue unabated, “he said.

“In a state whose predominant majority holds Chanakya as a “prophet and his fascistic teachings as articles of faith. and where the political system confers all power on numerical majority, heedlessly of the rights of the minorities, it is inconceivable for any elected Government to adopt a just and fair policy towards the minorities— even if some of its members want to,” he added. “This explains why Prime Minister V.P. Singh, who had built up his image as Mr. Clean, and who had gone through the motions of being fair to the Sikhs, has turned out to be no different from Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Pandit Nehru and others.”

Mr. Lalli declared that the Sikh struggle would continue till final victory and the establishment of the sovereign state of Khalistan, and appealed to the world powers to adopt the same policy towards the oppressed minorities of South Asia as they are so vigorously pursuing towards the peoples in similar plight in Eastern Europe and the Americas.

“The world powers owe it to the smaller nations, wherever they may be located geographically, to defend their human rights and protect them from the fascistic policies of larger nations —heedlessly of the prospects of trade and material gains,” he said, “Their failure to meet this obligation and free the oppressed peoples from the stranglehold of the fascists will only serve to strengthen fascism— -and push mankind towards yet another world war.


Article extracted from this publication >> August 24, 1990