FREMONT, CA: Bhagat Ravidas’s birthday was celebrated in the newly constructed Gurdwara Diwan hall with much devotion and enthusiasm. After the Bhog of Siri Akhand Path of guru Granth Sahib which was started 48 hours earlier in memory of Bhagat Ravidas Ji glowing tribute were paid to the great saint of the land who bravely opposed the Brahmanical values and, preached ‘oneness of God and brotherhood of man through his hymns.

Bhai Jaggit Singh performed kiran of Bhagat Ravidas ji’s hymns in a melodious voice. Bhai Harbhajan Singh in his discourse explained how caste society based  on Manu’s Doctrine (Mannu ‘Simeit) and helped headed by Brahmin’s made life of millions ‘of people miserable and a great saint like Bhagat ji was also a victim of the highhandedness of Brahmins. He said ‘even today some Brahminical forces are a ‘cause of trouble 10 millions of truly loving, god fearing people in Indian subcontinent. We all must ‘work together to fight the evil forces of destruction, un-equality and brutality represented by present Indian regime.

Bhai Bhajan Singh Bhinder, Bhai Jasvinder Singh Jandi President Gurdwara Committee and Bhai Bulbir Singh Secretary Gurdwara ‘Committee also paid such tributes to Bhagat ji’s great life and works.

Dr. Amarjit Singh spokesperson Panthik Committee and Exec director Khalistan Affairs Center in his very impressive speech related the present day struggle for liberation of Khalistan to the dream of Bhagat Ravidas in his hymn “degum pura Sahar Ko Nao” where Bhaget ji envisaged the creation ‘of an ideal state where there is no pain, no sorrows and grief, and everybody lives in peace and prosperity.

He further said that declaration of independence of April 29,1986 ‘was a landmark in the history of Indian subcontinent which has proved to be the last nail in the coffin of Brahmanism Kashmiris, Dalits, Assam is, the Jher khand people and now Tamils have followed the lead given by brave Sikhs, Now their legitimate political, religious, and social aspirations  are more vocally,  expressed and they are firmly standing against New Delhi’s brutal regime.

Dr. Amarjit Singh emphasized ‘that Khalistan will be an ideal state which will be a role model state for all the countries of the world. In Khalistan there will be no discrimination on the basis of caste, color, creed or race. ‘Fear none, ‘Scare none’ and ‘Sarbat Da Bhalla’ are the lofty ideas which will be followed by the govt of Khalistan as Declaration of Independence Document will be the basis for Constitution of Khalistan,

He appealed to the Sikh Sangat to fully support the cause of Khalistan which is the only remedy for all ills of Brahmanism.

Guru ka langar was served throughout at the day.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 20, 1992