DHAKA, April 10, Reuter: A shark possibly suffering from severe Labour pains, swam up a river and gave birth to 28 babies on shore after being captured by Bangladeshi fishermen, police said today.

They said hundreds of people gathered at a small village at Southern Chandpur district yesterday to see the eight meter long (25 feet), 1.5 tons shark and her offspring’s.

Sharks normally live deep in the sea, but fishery officials said the mother shark might have mistakenly gone into the Meghna River under intense Labour pain.

“As soon as fishermen pulled it on the river’s bank, the big fish started giving out babies. It’s amazing”, one Chandpur official told reporters today.

Kazi Zaker Hossain, Dean of the Biological Science Faculty of Dhaka University, said a shark normally gives birth to two or three babies at a time.

Article extracted from this publication >>  April 17, 1987