Washington Metropolitan area Witnessed a memorable wedding event, to be remembered for many years to come, when Ranu Kaur ‘daughter of Mr, Narinder Singh Rekhi, ‘and niece of Mr, Inderjit Singh Rekhi, a leading social figure, community leader and secretary of Guru Nanak Foundation of America Inc. married Jasbir Singh son of Mr. Amarjit Singh Bhatia, a recently retired Chief Engineer Punjab Electricity board, Patiala, India. ‘On June 17, 1995 the marriage was solemnized in Sikh style and with great pomp. The Anand Karaj ceremony was conducted in a very beautiful and graceful manner. The silver Palanquin of Guru Granth Sahib was specially brought from India and was Very tastefully decorated.
The wedding was held at Marriot Hotel Gaithersburg Maryland where several hundred distinguished guests from all walks of life attended. Amongst them were leading Sikh and Ameri can journalists, including Scholars, attorneys and judges.
Miss Patricia Ann Faukher, a leading delegate of Maryland State Assembly represented the Maryland State Government and brought with her a beautiful citation which was read out to the audience.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 7, 1995