Dear Editor,

In response to three letters printed in the World Sikh News of April 15, 1994, the WSO would like to set the record straight in the hopes that these continuing unsubstantiated accusations of misconduct will finally cause,.

The WSO was created on July 20, 1984 by over S00 international Sikh delegates, Subsequently, delegates debated for three days and established the WSO constitution (which is avail- able 16 the Sikh community to read) Wherein it states our commitments, one of which inclodes:2.0.2.”‘to strive through peaceful means, for the establishment of a Sikh Nation, Khalistan, in order to protect the Sikh identity and faith as ordained by the Guru Panth in the daily prayer “Raj Karega Khalsa.”

Also in this contribution the democratic structure and proceedings are set out in full the only requirement for membership is a desire and commitment to participate, all of the WSO executives are elected by the communities they serve during WSO conventions held every two years, All WSO executive bodies, on a regional, national and international basis, are accountable to the Sikh community and report, on & continual basis, to those in the community who inquire. Newsletters are mailed quarterly from the WSO office to keep the participating Sikh community well up-dated on WSO activities and to publicize the dates and locations of elections for the WSO. Notices continually go out to Gurdwaras concerning events and initiatives and: our Head-office is staffed on a full time basis to answer any queries, Press Releases are consistently issued to national and ethnic media, however, we have noted that WSO press statements are never printed by World Sikh News or Chardhi Kala. We are open and available to the scrutiny of the community we Serve at all times and have repeatedly proven ourselves worthy of the positions we hold. We invite   Mr. Tirlochan Singh we put us to the test. The emotional outbursts of letters wit state “WSO is falling behind the times” and “WSO is playing with the lives of innocent Sikhs” is a clear indication of just how little some vocal segments of the Sikh community know about the WSO. These libelous and unsubstantiated: accusations clearly show the ignorance that can pervade a community and can result in division, derision and discouragement of tie whole Sikh nation.

 It seems Mr. Bhalla would prefer for us to sacrifice the lives of our children and instigate the contempt and rejection of the international community to achieve the aim of Khalistan. It is exactly this altitude that Tirlochan Singh, and the WSO, disagrees with. Such an approach in such a rapidly changing world only creates more: confusion and more death, Perhaps Mr. Bhall as hold take the time to find out exactly what it is the WSO has accomplished over they cars, and what we still undertake on behalf’ of the international Sikh community-maybe then he would understand how hard we work to alleviate the suffering, promote the Sikh religion, protect the interests of Sikhs world-wide, and eventually provide a sound foundation for the creation of Khalistan.

What should be made expressly clear is that the WSO will not support violence of any kind in the pursuit of justice. We will pursue the cause of human rights in India, including the right to self-determination (Khalistan), with as much vigor and commitment as we have in the past. We will continue to pursue these goals within the established international guidelines to ensure the legitimacy of our claims are substantiated with the corroboration and support of our domestic and international partners, It is by WSO’s consistent participation in the dialogue between peoples, nations, and leaders that promotes change and produces long-term, substantial results to the benefit of all Sikhs.

With regard to Sukhwinder Kaur’s letter, the WSO refuses to lower its standards of respectability by responding to such Libelous rubbish. It is indeed a shame that this energy for instigating strife, promoting fear and hatred is not put to better use encouraging peace and humility, We would like to make it quite clear that the WSO has never sought a list of Sikh sympathizers” nor would it ever need to for any purpose whatsoever.

It should be noted that the Sikh media have a responsibility to ensure: that the letters and editorials printed are based on evidential facts and not hear-say. Perhaps these sources of information, both the authors and the news medium itself, should be more closely scrutinized by their patrons.

It is truly disheartening to note that some members of the Sikh community now wish to voice their opinions ‘on a book published in 1988, by providing less than timely commentary on the content of “Unholy Terror,” Fortunately, the WSO started working on this issue back in 1988 and we are confident that our long efforts will result in a substantial benefit to the Sikh community, as well as the International community who are the prime benefactors of this educative film. Though we are well aware of the many concerns with regard to the documentary film project, we have, with much consideration and consultation, weighed all the options and made a sound, well-informed decision. Our commitment to the protection of Sikh interests is still our prime concern. We hold this obligation to our brethren, and to God, above all other concerns. The proof of our wisdom and commitment to the Sikh community will be evident in the out- come of this project.

We encourage all to maintain con- tact with the WSO, exchanging information, writing Opinions and suggestions, or have your name added to our mailing list to be kept well informed. We are here to serve a commitment we take seriously and have proven time and time again. The truth will never die. Waheguru Ji Ki  Fateh.

Mohinder Singh Jawanda, President, W.S.0.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994