Veheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Veheguru Ji Ki Fateh. We have received your letter regarding the World Sikh Sammelan, We consider ourselves very fortunate that you extended an invitation for us to join in the “preparatory meeting” on November 2627. We fully accept the supremacy of Siri Akal Takhat Sahib. In this connection, we enclose copy of an article which outlines our views regarding Purposes No. 1, 2, 3 and 6 of your letter.
Sikhs living in America Canada, England and other countries have to face many problems every Gurdwaras, restrictions on wear in other ‘countries have to face many problems every day. Disputes about management of turban, objections to keeping our beards and hair uncut, laws regarding wearing of helmets, restrictions on our carrying our kirpans, difficulties in obtaining employment, are constant hardships for us and especially for our children.
Altheas issues can be resolved only if there is a single organization representative of all Sikhs the world over, which would maintain contact with various governments around the world and enlighten them regarding the Sikh way of life, At various places Sikhs, in their individual capacities, are caught up in litigation. There is no organization which could speak in their behalf with the concerned governments and clear up the issues. Khalsa Panth is fragmented. We do not speak with a single voice; there is no respect for the Maryada and there is no effective.
‘Organization to implement the Maryada. We do not have effective means to impart religious instruction to our children, lack effective communication with other faiths, and have no common educational policy or program. Last year, during the Parliament of World’s Religions, several persons got together to discuss these issues. For your information we ‘enclose a copy of the Resolution which was passed. A five member committee was formed to implement this Resolution; it is very important that Sardar Kuldeep Singh, Coordinator of this Committee, participate in the World Sikh Sammelan and maintain contact with you.
We have learned that during your visit to America, a meeting of the Granthis in America and representatives of Gurdwaras was held. A 17point program has been mentioned in reports published in The World Sikh News. It has also been said that a Resolution was adapted to the effect that a 32 member ad hoc committee be set up to outline an institutional structure to establish closer relationship between the local congregations and Siri Akal Takhat Sahib. Our humble opinion is that any committee that is imposed from “above” cannot receive the confidence and trust of the Sikh Panth. Our view is that it is important to establish, in each country, an Association of the gurdwaras in that country. In countries where the number of gurdwaras is small, several neighboring countries can be combined into a single unit for the purpose. All the gurdwaras should be affiliated to the Association for that country and must operate according to the Panthic Rehit Maryada. The entire Sikh world should be united through the Panthic Rehit. The Associations so established in each country should be united with Siri Akal Takhat Sahib and set up a SAR ansar Shiromani Sikh Council which would be representative of all Sikhs and be in a position to provide guidance to Sikhs around the world. Regarding purpose No. 5 our view is that women are, in every way, at par with men in the Sikh Faith, It is not necessary to look for any separate rights and responsibilities for them. They are entitled to participate in any and all Panthic activities as equals. Our leaders have to keep this basic principle in mind. Historically, it has been one of our major failures that Sikhs ladies have not been allowed to come to the forefront in serving the Panth.
We are quite concerned about purpose No. 4 listed in your letter. The Sehajdhari practice has historically been the gradual path followed by people towards eventually entering the Sikh fold. However, for the past several years, the Hindu in India has fallen victim to communalism, the Hindu religion is the faith of the rulers, and it is only a rare Sehajdhari who accepts Sikh Faith. There is only one path for the Schajdhari the one shown by Sat guru Kalgidhar Ji that they seek Khande da Amnit arid accept the Guru. Many persons having turned their back on Sri Kalgidhar Patshah, having contempt for the Panth, style themselves as Sahjdhari simply to continue to be called Sikhs. In their hearts they have no respect for the Khalsa Panth, for Khande da Amrit, or for Rehit Maryada. Calling them Schajdhari may be the way to drag Sikh Faith towards Hinduism or towards irreligion but cannot be the Sahaj Path for seekers of Truth to come to the Guru. Bringing this issue up at the Sammelan for discussion could be construed as an endorsement of the: Indian Governments and Hindu Press’s policy of describing Amritdhari Sikhs as extremists, separatists, and armed traitors to the country, and regarding the Sehajdhari, especially those who also drink and smoke and do not respect the Panth. As good citizens. This letter is being released to newspapers in the form of an open letter and a copy is being sent to each of the persons who participated in the discussions in Chicago. Veheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Veheguru Ji Ki Fateh. With profound respect, in the service of the Panth, Ranbir Singh, Secretary Sikh Educational & Religious Foundation Ohio.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 18, 1994