Human beings have regular blood. Flow in the body and this is controlled by the heart through many precisely synchronized’ physiological mechanisms, Sometimes there occurs irregularity in the rate of blood flow, resulting in serious problems and even death. Hence it becomes essential to regularly monitor the rate of blood flow in) cardiac patients. An artificial heart with simulated blood would enable doctors to understand more clearly the workings of a natural ‘one. The model would enable easy! Access to areas that cannot be easily reached and studied in the laying body. In this context, a joint collaboration among scientists from USA, Germany and France has achieved a lot. An artificial device known as cardiovascular simulator has been developed. It is composed of two circuits centered around on auriculo ventricular prosthesis. In the primary circuit, water forces the movement of walls of the ventricle. This power of water is due to the hydrodynamic generator. In Secondary circuit, the Prosthesis circulates a liquid which has the same viscosity as that of blood. These circuits help to model a Portion of the circuit flow conditions resulting from physiological conditions.
‘This device reproduces geometrical conditions such as flexible wall, Curve form and flow conditions which are significant aspects of heart physiology. The entire set helps in aging the flow dynamics within the heart with the help of visualizing techniques. It helps in predicting the performance and characteristics of valves before they are used; this system is the first of its kind of measurement of flow rate near the mitral valve of the heart.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 11, 1994