By; G.B. Singh
Whitman & Pound} had believed in the ideology similar to that advocated by Hinduism. Walt Whitman had been anything but a saint, today, he is known as one great port. But, his life and poetry had been riddled with bizzare outpourings, Influential that Bhagavad Gita was on Whitman, he never took to physical killings but transformed the Bhagayad Gita ideology into poetry, in sharp contrast to Gill’s actions, at the occasion of second edition of Whitman’s famous Leaves of Grass, one famous newspaper editorial called for,”…. The author {Whitman should be kicked from all decent society as below the level of brute. There is no wit or method in his disjointed babbling, and it seems to us he must be some escaped lunatic raving in pitiable delirium.” Whitman’s poetry stressed a union of body and soul to the point he regarded sex (physical act) as divine with homosexual inclinations: Give me now libidinous jovs only.
Give me the drench of my passions. give me life coarse and rank, Today I go cons on with nature’s darlings tonight 100, Lam for those who believe in loose delights, I share the midnight orgies of young men, T dance with the dancers and drink with the drinkers, The echoes ring with our indecent calls, 1 pick out some low person for my dearest friend, He shall be lawless, nude, illiterate, he shall be one condemned by others for deeds donc, Twill play a part no longer why should I exile myself from my companions? Children of Adam (Native Moments) In Respondez! (part of the Rejected Poems), Whitmans writes “Let him who is without my poems be assassinated!” In Children of Adam (A Woman Waits for Me), Whitman recognizes, “Sex contains all, bodies, souls,” Whether Gill is into the sexual orgies of one kind or another, I simply don’t know. But 1 know undoubtedly, Gill is deep into the business of death without any remorse. As one gets deeper into Whitman’s poetry, one learns; (1) there is an erosion of the sense distinguishing good from evil (similar to Mahabharata’), (2) sex is the source of life, immortality, for death itself is the final union, the sting of passion that lasts forever (reminds me of Tantras), (3) identifying the human beings in all their animosity, their sufferings transmuting into joy (which Gill docs), and (4) the death doesn’t mean annihilation or disintegration into chaos; rather it is a new form of life in a new form of body (similar 10 Bhagavad Gita’s). Ezra Pound (1885 1972) is another surprise, not for his association with Bhagavad Gita but for something closes more dearer to the heart of Hindu political ideology: fascism. Pound is known for his poems; voluminous Cantos being the most famous one, Someone stated more succincuy, “Many who attempted to read the magnum opus Cantos decided that it was written in code and that there was no way of deciphering it… To understand the Canios, the reader would have to plow through encyclopedias, foreign language dictionaries, cultural and political histories; he would also have to be aware of forgotten gossip about Pound’s contemporaries and recognize the tenor of his rambling, disordered, and extremely private associations.” You know it and I Know it, untangling Cantos is beyond Gill’s capability. However, it seems Pound’s extrapoectic activities had an impact on Gill’s mind. During the _time of World War ll, Pound was residing in Mussolini’s Italy when he took an active role by comparing dictator Mussolini favorable to Thomas Jefferson, deriding democracy, and defending Fascism.
In January, 1941, Pound started to broadcast fascist propaganda on short wave Rome radio. He issued. violent speeches against United States, opposed capitalism. spouted anti-Semitism. supported the principle of censorship, and consoled Fascist officials in ways of waging war against his native land, “America, In May of 1945, he was taken prisoner and indicted for treason, Brought back to Washington.
“D.C. ,Pound escaped in all and possible death sentence when psychiatrists found him of unsound mind. Pound ended up all Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital as insane. After we’ve years in that hospital, and declared “mentally incompetent to stand tnal”, charges were dropped against Pound. In 1958, he returned to Italy and called United States “an insane asylum.”
III The Conclusion
By now it should be clear that K.PS. Gill is a complicated figure. On the surface he looks like a Sikh. But undemeath the beard and turban shines a personality diabolically opposed to everything Sikhism stands for. There are layers of Hinduism compacted and buried deep into Gill’s psyche, buttered with alcohol daily, and cemented with the demented poetry of the two somewhat famous Americans. The outcome is predictable perfect killing machine, the dehumanized Gill that he has become. recover deleted files forza horizon It reminds of another lunatic, named, Charles Manson, who resembled in many ways to Gill. Manson believed Bhagayad Gita, was hooked to ultra drugs, practiced ultra sex, and committed horrible murders without any sense of sorrow. Gill is no different, perhaps, except for ultra sex. However, fate has shown Surprises for these two sinister figures: Gill is free to execute Hinduism with no holds barred, Manson is locked up behind bars. In terms of ‘kill count’ Mansion fared far better to Gill and Krishna: 9 kills linked to Manson & Family, about 115,000 Sikh kills linked to Gill & Garrison; and 1,666,020,000 (Mahabharata 11;26;910) kills linked to Krishna & Cousins. Even then, with the meager kill count’, the psychological therapy Manson had received in the prison by all accounts hadn’t worked. Can Gill respond to therapy, if given, and be cured of Hinduism? Think about it.!
Article extracted from this publication >> October 21, 1994