TORONTO: The Liberals were catapulted into power in Canada in a historic verdict that resulted in a sweep out of the Tories, The landslide victory of the liberals after a lapse of nine years saw them win 177 seats in the 295 member house while the Tories could get only two seals, a steep drop from their current majority of 154. The Bloc Quebois won 54 seats, making them former the official opposition in the Canadian Parliament. The Reform Party secured 53 seats.

Jean Chretien the leader of the Liberals will be the 20th Canadian Prime Minister. Kim Campbell the conservative leader, lost her own seat from Vancouver in a crushing defeat which will most likely lose her the leader ship of the Party, With only two seats in the Parliament the Tories even fall well short of the mini mum 12 seats required to retain official status as a party. They have well high been eliminated as a presence in Canadian Politics for the foreseeable future. Exceeds expectations: The Liberals won all 99 seats in Ontario, exceeding even the polestars’ pre dictions. Chretien won 21 seats in his home province of Quebec including his own riding of Maurice where he faced a stiff fight from the Bloc.

The Liberal Party massive victory promises a measure of political stability to the Canadians in a period of severe economic difficulty and a simmering unity crisis. The fall of the Tories has been attributed to the unhappiness of the public with their rule and their failure to convince the people that they could solve the economic cri sis facing the nation.

Chretien promised his first priority in office will be his $6 billion plan to create jobs rebuilding municipal roads, bridges and sewers. He’s also said he’ll act swiftly to cancel the Tory helicopter purchase, and to review the contract privatizing Toronto airport.

Tories across the country reacted to the results in shock and disbelief. One senior Campbell adviser called the result catastrophic” and said it is almost certain Campbell will have to step down. “Nobody would advise her to try to hang on,” said the senior party Strategist, a strong Campbell supporter for the leadership.

Article extracted from this publication >>  October 29, 1993