The Government of India boasts day in and day out that is the representative of the biggest democracy of the world. Most of the world is buying this self-congratulatory boast of Rajiv Gandhi and his cohorts. Any serious thinking person will have to ask himself, why does the Government of India and its sympathizers, have to pro claim the existence of the “biggest democracy?” Secondly, what type of democracy is it? And, why the outside powers and even ordinary people have so far accepted it as such without expressing any doubt?

We have to acknowledge that there is no question as to the population of India. At present it stands at about 800 mullion’ souls, i.e., about thirty five times the population of Canada. Over the last 42 years, ‘since the independence of the country, there have been a number of elections. If those elections have been all to democracy then! India is a perfect demo But as we should all know, if a government Was elected in an election, even in a relatively free one, that does not necessarily make it a democratic government. In this regard we have just to remember that Hitler was duly elected. But today, nobody will call Hitler a Democrat.

Indian Democracy may not have ‘reached quite the level of demagoguery that Hitler practiced, but some spects of that are very clear. Right from i.e start, the Central Government of India, be it under Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, wherever possible, they have never allowed state Governments, duly elected, to function, if the party in power in the state was not the Congress Party. If some state Governments have Stayed in’ power, that is in spite of the ‘efforts of the Central Government to topple those Governments. All the Machiavellian techniques of bribery and coercion have been used through out the years.

Indian democracy may be a “democracy” in form but it is nota democracy in “spint.” To under stand that, it is sufficient to know how much hyperbole and misinformation Gandhi used to win the previous election. That election he won as a sympathy vote for the execution of his mother. No trick was spared to exploit that sympathy. For this election, Gandhi is used the same tactics. Hes called everybody a traitor. It is a known fact that smugglers and criminal elements are a big part of the scheme to win the so called “democratic” elections.

Once the elections are won, how is the machinery of the Government run? We are not talking of perfection, but rather the direction of the events. Torture of in no cent people by the police and paramilitary forces is a routine these day. Fake encounters to eliminate undesired individuals is known to everyone. Even women are not spared. They have been gang raped inside police stations. Still Mr. Gandhi is Mr. Clean and India is the biggest democracy. Are all these happenings any less serious or less abominable than what Nazis practiced before the launching of the Final Solution of the Jews? The Government organizes Death Squads of hardened criminals, This has been acknowledged by no less a person than Mr. JF. Ribeiro. Under any “functional” democracy Mr. Riberio would have been tried as a criminal practicing genocide. But in the democracy of Gandhi, Mr. Riberio is a Decorated “Honorable” policeman. What a standard of democracy Under this Democracy” people ‘who organize pogroms are awarded with Ministerial Chairs in the Central Government.

The very nature and practice of this “Democracy” forces it practitioners to shout hoarse that they are the representatives of the biggest democracy. And unfortunately, most of the outside world accepts these claims at face value. Why? Reasons are varied. For the independence of the country various people made great sacrifices, but the fact remains that the Indian National Congress became the standard bearer of Independence. And the role of Mahatma Gandhi was very crucial. The outside world came to see the Indian leadership through the screening prism of Mahatma Gandhi, Anything and anybody who claimed to be associated with Mahatma Gandhi.

People accepted that as “good” and “respectable.” And the Congress Leaders, starting with Nehru, have exploited this human weakness to the full extent.

Till today, the outside world cannot believe and do not want to believe that the inheritors of Gandhi can be anything but good. It is no different than those socialists/communists who could not see anything sinister in the purges of Stalin. Exactly the same is the situation with respect to Indian Democracy. Western democracies cannot see or do not want to see anything wrong with the working of neo-Nazi brutalities in the biggest “democracy” of the world.

Of course, there is the business interest. For example, no person could be better informed, about the working of the Death Squads and smugglers in India, than Mr. Joe Clark, Minister (Secretary) of External Affairs. But he is one of those who does not want to hear anything. Such is the greed of individuals and nations,

Another factor that has contributed to this myopic view is the successful propaganda by the ruling class of India. Notwithstanding the recent progress, Brahmins are still the ruling elite of India. Over the centuries they have success fully projected their picture as that of a non violent people. But historical facts are quite different. This Class of unique in that even today in India, a large part of the population (untouchables in particular) believe them to be superior and always right.

This biggest “democracy” of the world has exploited the minorities throughout the last 42 years, These days it is really mad with the Sikhs, For the reason, the whole state power is being utilized to show that the Sikhs are terrorists and the “Democracy” that hires and trains death squads is a lilywhite, peaceful dove. That is the real successful propaganda of the century. Goebbels would have been proud of such a successful venture and achievement.

Article extracted from this publication >>  November 24, 1989