I was special of trying out this experiment, Frankly I was not in a desperate situation as the Reserve Bank of India had given me some monetary relief for attending an international conference in Sweden and the coverage of events in Poland, Czechoslovakia.
But when I also decided to buy a Euro rail pass in Delhi and visit a few more European countries at my own expense I did go through spell of uncertainty. So, I thought there was no harm in trying out the “Nasir formula”, especially when the dollars saved could come handy in collecting some rare Bohemian glass items, cognac, etc.
1 decided to put the formula to test at Copenhagen itself: The person with a gentle voice on the other end of the line identified himself as MrS.S. Parwana. There was an instant invitation to stay at his home! The evening was filled with nostalgia his home in Hoshiarpur, arrival in Denmark 20 years ag0, how well his sons were doing now in their new homes, what will happen to Punjab.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 10, 1989