By Swaran Chauhan

When an Indian takes a flight out of the country with only $500 FTS “bonanza” in his pocket he is not exactly a picture of confidence. So how an one survive for a few weeks in Europe on an extremely tight budget?

Instead of buying the dollars in the black market and stuffing the socks with the liq uid green gold, or sending an SOS to relatives and friends abroad to come to one’s fescue, there is an attractive alternative. And I can vouch for its efficacy.

The “magic” formula was revealed to me recently in Copenhagen (Copenhagen) by Mr Nasir Mulk, of Pakistan who has been on the staff of Danish Radio for the past 20 years. After recording an interview with me on “Punjab situation and the Press”, he narrated the formula which (he swears) has never failed to click.

“When you are down and out in a foreign country, never panic,” he advised “just pick up a telephone directory and look fora Singh, a Chaudhary, or a Khan. Tell them your predicament and they will somehow bail you out.”

Article extracted from this publication >>  November 10, 1989