BOMBAY, The disciplinary committee of the Board of Control for Cricket in India in. ‘a historic decision on Sunday, imposed a ‘one year ban on skipper Dilip Vengsarkar, Kapil Dev, Ravi Shastri, Mohammad Azharuddin, Kiran More and Arun Lal for their contract violation unauthorized tour of the United States and Canada in May. The six players were debarred from playing any matches conducted by the Board or its affiliated units till August 6 1990, The Board will also withhold the ‘balance sum of Rs 35,000 each payable to them after the conclusion of the tour of the Caribbean Islands.

Briefing sportswriters after the two-day hearing, Mr Ranbir Singh, the Board secretary, said that six other offending cricketers Narendra Hirwani, Sanjay Sharma, Robin Singh, Sanjay Manjrekar and Venkataramanna were let off with a fine of Rs 15,000 each payable on or before September 14. The six players, who will also Not get the remainder of the tour fees(Rs 35,000 each), got away lightly in comparison because the disciplinary committee felt that they were on an official tour for Test matches for the first time and were not experienced enough to understand the implications of violating the contract, Mr Singh explained, In the event of the players failing to pay up the fine, they will be debarred from participating in any matches staged by the Board or its affiliated units till the payment is made.

Article extracted from this publication >>  August 18, 1989