Reagan: “How are you, Mr. Gandhi; haven’t heard from you in a while?
Gandhi: “I haven’t heard from you about computer technology, we discussed last time on the phone wire……Russians are considering MIG-29 for us now!”
Reagan: “Well, we have considered ‘Your’ needs, and have arranged a shipment of Atari’s, Sinclair’s and Commodores…
Gandhi: I have an Atari, that Gorbachev gave me, I want something better”.
Reagan: “So they got that thru your friendly eastern block, copied the chip and then gave to it you. Atari is O.K. for what you do after chapatti dinner…and I can send you some new game cartridges Russians don’t have … how is that?”
Gandhi: “What do you have for strategic planning to hold India together, some program which can predict number of terrorists being born every day, their locations etc.? What about the unity of India!”
Reagan: “Well… check into some of your mama’s plan: them was to ouster IBM front India. Talk to you later.”
Article extracted from this publication >>September 5, 1986