“Sardar Bahadur you know the Hindu only as your co-slave; Now , you will know
the real Hindu when he becomes your master and you become his slave.”
A report on developments in Sikh politics. (1900-1911), By D. Petrie, Asstt.,
Director C. I. D. Govt of India Simla the 11th Aug 1911 (National achieves, New
“Hinduism has always been hostile to Sikhism whose Gurus powerfully and
successfully attacked the principle of caste which is the foundation on which the
whole fabric of Brahmanism has been reared . The activities of Hindus have ,
therefore , been constantly directed to the undermining of Sikhism both by
preventing the children of Sikh fathers from taking pahul and by reducing professed
Sikh from their allegiance to their faith . Hinduism has strangled Budhism once a
formidable rival to it and it has already made serious inroads into the domain of
Sikhism .”
Mr. Max Aurthor McCaliff , around 1900 — “It (Hinduism) is like the Boa—
Constrictor; of the Indian forests . when a petty enemy appears to worry it , it winds
Round its opponent, crushes it in its folds and finally causes it to disappear in its
Capacious interior….. Hinduism has embraced Sikhism in its fold ; the still
comparatively young religion is making a vigorous struggle for life , but its ultimate
Destruction is , it is apprehended , inevitable without state support.”
Article extracted from this publication >> August 12, 1988