NEW DELHI, India: Intermittent exchange of firing is continuing at the Indo Pakistan border in the Jammu and Kashmir sector while Indian and Pakistan negotiators searched Monday for ways to keep troop buildups by. both nations in the tense Punjab region from exploding into conflict.

Representatives from Islamabad and New Delhi agreed to extend a fourth day of talks aimed at ending the buildups, and one newspaper reported the discussions were running into trouble.

India’s Chief Minister of the northern border state of Jammu and Kashmir charged that “unprovoked shelling and firing” on Indian positions by Pakistani troops forced at least 15,000 villagers from their homes.

The present standoff follows deterioration in bilateral relations since last year.

Meanwhile the Gurkha National Liberation Front leader Subhash Geisingh announced suspensions of the agitation for a separate Gurkhaland for two months. The agitation has been suspended following Mr. Geisingh’s talks with India’s Interior (Home) Minister, Mr. Buta Singh. The Interior Minister had suggested that proper atmosphere must be built before any meaningful decision taken over the demand for Gurkhaland.

Article extracted from this publication >>  February 6, 1987