Dr. JASBIR SINGH MANN was born at Banga District of Jullundur. His father, S. Mehnga Singh Mann served in Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jullundur and Sikh National College Banga. Dr. Mann did his M.B.B.S. from Medical College Rohtak and Masters in Surgery from Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh, in 1974 and finally finished training in Orthopedic Surgery at Harlem Hospital Center affiliated with Columbia University, New York. He is practicing orthopedic surgery in Anaheim and Montebello area since 1980. Jasbir and Satinder were married in 1975 and migrated to US.A in 1975.
Dr. Satinder Kaur Mann, graduated from Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi, and finished her residency in Physical Medicine and Rehab from Einstein Hospital, Bronx, New York. Presently she is doing practice with Gigna Health Plan and Director of Physical Medicine and Neuromuscular Diagnostic Lab in Los Angeles. She is the daughter of late Prof. Harcharn Singh Atwal who was head of Physics Dept. at Khalsa College, New Delhi till 1985.
Dr. Mann is always making efforts to promote cohesion in the Sikh community in local area and strongly feels that politics and religion cannot be separated. He also says that in foreign countries, promotion of Punjabi culture, traditions and language is very essential to the full flowering of Sikhism.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 19, 1988