Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan, President-National Council of Khalistan, (Sikh government in exile) summoned an_ international convention of the Sikhs in London (U.K.) on 6th, 7th, and 8th of April 1985. Sikhs from all over the world participated in that meeting. The sole aim of the convention was to discuss the present plight of the Sikhs and then to find ways and means of resolving this crisis. Everyone assembled there, declared with one voice that the establishment of Khalistan as an independent sovereign state can only solve the Sikh problem. Now the situation has reached such a stage from where there is no point of return.
This convention was addressed by the leaders of the other struggling nations for the liberation of their lands. They extended their whole hearted support to the Sikhs in their fight for self-determination. Mr. A. Z. Phizo President Republic of Nagaland, Dr. Amanyar Representative, Afghan Mujahidin, and the representatives of the Indian Muslim Federation, J. & K. Liberation Front and Islamic Center, participated in this convention and extended their whole hearted support to the Sikh cause. Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh represented the W.S.0. And participated in the three day deliberations and reiterated his stand in support of Khalistan. He expressed complete unanimity with the approach and means adopted by Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan for the attainment of sovereignty for the Sikh nation. Dr. Aulakh also participated in the press conference, jointly addressed by the leaders of other communities and Dr. Chohan.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 26, 1985