There is no cruder tyranny than that which is pretreated under the shield of law and in the name of justice
WSN Special Report by M. Daniells reprinted from WSN May 1993 Cold grey walls, barbed wire fences, bright security lights and gun towers make up their outside world, shuffling prisoners and stony faced guards their company, Behind the iron bars and crashing locks the years of their youth pass unnoticed, a life time for a man, a moment in time for a nation, meanwhile they wait.
‘Men without a home, without justice but with honor and dignity they face each new day. Hoping against hope that this will be the day that they will hear the news that their lives and those of hundreds and thousands of others have not been in vain, the time not wasted, that justice will prevail for them and that a nation, Khalistan has been born.
Then will they join free men and women of the Khalsa, heads high.
The Wheels of Justice tun slowly as 20th century history is made. In the years since Sukhi and Kuki were jailed, the Berlin wall fell, the USSR disintegrated, Nelson Mandella was freed, tanks were stymied by protestors in Tiannamin Square and Iraq was bombed into the stone age to save Middle East oil wells. Held hostage by false accusations Sukhi and Kuki ‘are among the hundreds of thousands jailed or executed without recourse, by governments afraid of the very citizen’s they claim to represent.
‘Their story has all the elements of a politically motivated conspiracy. From the moment of their abduction in 1987 by Federal Agents to their high security trial where the chained and shackled former students were escorted by guards and whose trial was guarded by rooftop snipers ostensibly to protect those who might be witnesses threatened by these A.I.S.S.F. members. The ‘insane’
District Attorney, Judy Russell. who was jailed for her role in the conspiracy, was found guilty of writing threatening letters to herself and the original trial judge, has already served her time and been released. Yet Sukhi and Kuki have served more time without benefit of conviction. Justice has not only been blind, but deaf and mute as well.
AA treatise published by the IHRO in 1990 said, “The real issue is that young. Men like Gill and Sandhu are not willing to give up their right to seek and agitate for self-determination for Sikhs and are not willing to share power on the government of India’s terms, Gill and Sandhu are the children of a wider world phenomenon,”
“The Indian State is fighting in a determined and ruthless manner against the demand for Khalistan, In the Soviet Union, no one is proceeded against for pleading for self-determination or even secession from that country, But in India, it is a crime tribals with Capital Punishment to raise the demand for secession, Those who stand for such a belief are summarily executed in faked encounters or are tortured and imprisoned for years, without trial.
‘The issue for consideration is not a limited or a narrow problem of the extradition of the two young Sikhs. Punjab is in ferment, the turmoil in Punjab, in turn, is not an isolated phenomenon of terrorism as is falsely ‘sought to be projected by the Government of India. The phenomenon is rooted in man’s urge for freedom, democracy and social justice.
‘The dream and desire for Khalistan is a just demand, It is not a frivolous or pie in the sky” hope without historical basis. Rather it is the natural outgrowth of oppressed peoples ‘who wished to take their rightful place with the free nations of the world, Guns and tanks cannot crush the indominatible spirit of a people.
‘The government of India has sought to portray the Sikhs as “terrorists” when in fact it is the paramility and army of the government which has practiced the most abhorrent acts against its own citizens. When the Golden Temple was attacked the Sikh Nation was attacked. Ten years later the war continues. The Saint soldiers of the Guru had no choice but to take up arms against those who had declared war against the Khalsa Bhai Harjinder Singh “Jinda” wrote in 1989 before his own untimely death that, “ Our struggle is not against any religion or community but is for the righteousness against repression. This battle of ours will not end with our deaths but will continue even beyond that. ‘The State cannot suppress the Sikhs through this repression, but the Sikhs shall retaliate and the State would have to account for its misdeeds, At present, the spirit of vengeance is shouldering in the hearts of the Sikhs, but, one day would take the form of a tempest, uprooting the tyrant State, and establishing the Khalsa Raj.
The present regime has thrown the Sikh nation into dungeons slavery but the day is not far when the walls of these dungeons will fall. And, the light of freedom will welcome us. The Kesri flag has to flutter with the glory of sovereignty over the rampars of Delhi’s red fort.
” 200 years ago, British explorer, George Forester wrote of the Sikh he was traveling with, “I asked him in whose service he was retained, and his answer seemed characteristic of what I conceived to be the disposition of the Sikh Nation. He said in a tone of voice, and with a countenance which glowed with and was keenly animated by the Spirit of liberty and independence, that he disclaimed an earthly Master and that he was the servant of only the Guru on high,” In 1989, in a message to WSN, Sukhi and Kuki said, “The day we started our journey in this struggle our fate ‘was either to be death or imprisons ment, It is a part of the struggle and we are taking it as such, We are facing it as a true Sikh should with equanimity and belief in truth and unshakeable belief in God.
“‘Sukhi and Kuki may have joined the struggle with the impetuousness of youth, before they realizes! The realities of their commitment but there is no double that as their youth is sacrificed on the altar of Khalistan, their fives and dreams are not in vain. ‘Though few have offered help, their faith has not left them without hope.
Article extracted from this publication >>May 8, 1996