CONTINUED… The Sikh nation began yet another struggle for the freedom of their homeland from the British, In 1947, the British vacated the Indian subcontinent and handed over control of the Sikh Homeland to the Hindus against the ‘will of the Sikh nation, (If was like the transfer of Norway from Denmark to Sweden in 1814, after the defeat of Denmark as an ally of Napoleon, However, Norway, finally became free in 1905), At this time, there were 2.5 million Sikhs in West Punjab (which formed a part of Pakistan, the Muslim Homeland), The migration of such a large number of Sikhs from West Punjab to the remaining part of the Sikh Homeland, took a toll of hundreds of thousands of the Sikhs.
¢ 1947, the Sikhs have been struggling for the freedom of their Homeland from the occupying forces of India. On June 4, 1984, the Indian army made a massive and brutal attack on the Darbar Sahib, the Akal Takht Sahib and tens of Sikh shrines. More than 25,000 Sikhs were killed from June 4 to June 8, 1984, ‘On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi was punished by Bhai Beant Singh and Bhai Satwant Singh (Who happened to be police officials Ather residence), A Sikh can never tolerate any attack on the Sikh holy shrines. All terrorist invaders who attacked the Darbar Sahib, whosoever he/she may be, have been punished by the Sikhs, in 1709; Chowdhury Har Sahai was punished by Bhai Tara Singh Wean and his companions. In 1740, Massa Rangharh was punished by Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh. In 1757, Jahan Khan was punished by Baba Dip Singh and his companions. In 1762, Ahmed Shah Durrani ‘was punished. Similarly, in 1984, Indira Gandhi and in 1986, General Vaidya were punished, A Sikh, whatsoever position he/she may hold, has the first and fore ‘most duty ‘to preserve the sanctity of the Sikh shrines.
After the murder of Indira Gandhi, an ‘other 25, 00030,000 Sikhs were butch. Erred during the Black November 1984 (for details, see The Sikhs in History by Dr Sangat Singh, 1995), Most of the Sikhs were butchered in a most inhuman manner, hitherto unknown to human history.
It is strange that the world community has been silent over this savagery, at present more than seventy thousand Sikhs are languishing in the Indian prisons, in most inhuman conditions and without trial. The ‘whole of the Sikh Homeland, occupied by the Indian forces is like a concentration camp for the Sikhs.
‘The Sikhs’ struggle continues…
Most Sikhs live in Punjab (the Sikh homeland) but a large number of them live in India, Kashmir, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland, ‘Switzerland, Italy (and the other countries ‘of Europe), Canada, United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya etc., Sikhs live in almost every part of the world, Gur Granth Sahib: Guru Granth Sahib is the Sikh Scriptures. The Sikh term Granth cannot be replaced by “holy book”. It is sacrilege to call Granth & book. The Gun Granth Sahib was compiled by the Fifth Nanak in 1604 CE, at Amritsar, It was granted the status of the Guru Etemal on October 6, 1708. The original (first) volume Adi Granth is still preserved at Kartarpur (Jullundur), the ‘Guru Granth Sahib has 1430 pages. Most ofits5867Saloks (verses) were written by Guru Nanak Sahib, Gums Angad Sahib, Guru Amar Das Sahib, Guru Ram Das Sahib, Guru Arjan Sahib, Guru Tesh Bahadur Sahib, Besides Gum Sahib, the Guru Granth Sahib consists of hymns by Bhagat Kabir (Bhagat literally means one ‘who meditates the name of the Almighty), Baba Pared, Bhagat Ravi das, Bhagat Namdev, Bhai Kalshar Bhatt, Bhai Jalap Bhatt, Bhai Bhikha Bhatt, Shaheed Bhai Kiral Bhatt, Shaheed Bhai Mathra Bhatt, Bhai Sath Bhatt, Bhai Bhalh Bhatt, Bhai BalhBhatt, Bhai Nath Bhatt, BhaiGayand Bhat, Bhai Haribans Bhatt. Specific Rags, musical meters, (there are 31 Rags) have been prescribed for singing the hymns, ‘The Sikhs worship only Shabad (the Word), TO BE CONTINUED…
Article extracted from this publication >> January 24, 1996