In 1704 Guru Gobind Singh Ji went to Machiwara after leaving Anandpur Sahib. During those severe hardship days some Rajas refused even to offer help to Guru Sahib due to the fear of death as Aurangzeb Was after the life of Guru Sahib and his family. When Guru Sahib reached Raikot state, the Muslim Chief Rai Kalha welcomed him and felt honored in offering. his services to Guru Sahib as his guest for ‘along as he wanted to stay, Gui Jispent 16 days with Rai Katha, It was in Raikot that Guru Sahib got the most tragic news of the death of his two minor sons and his mother.
The news was brought from ‘Sat hind by Noor a Mahi who was deputed by Rai Kalha for the seva of Guru Sahib, Guru Sahib during his stay asked Noor a Mahi to give him milk in Ganga Sagar which was a part of his personal belongings, Noor a Mahi said that his buffalo did not give milk and even if it did the milk will not stay in Ganga Sagar Asit had holes in it, Guru Sahib told him to take the name ‘of God and start milking the buffalo, To the utter surprise and amazement of Noor a Mahi, the buffalo gave milk and it did not pour out. Before leaving Raikot, in recognition and in appreciation of the services and hospitality extended by Rai Kalha, a Muslim Chief, who risked his own and his family’s lives. Guru Gobind Singh Ji presented Ganga Sagar and a Sword to Rai Katha as personal gifts. Till 1947 the Ganga Sagar was displayed for darshan in Raikot, Distt Ludhiana by Khan Bahadur Rai Inayat Khan. The owner of Ganga Sagar is now Rai Azizullah, grandson of Khan Bahadur Rai Inayat Khan and the present heir of the Rai family who have kept this sacred gift of Guru Gobind Singh ‘SL with great respect and care for almost 300 years. Available for public viewing Feb 710evenings, Feb 11, afternoon at Gurdwara Nanak SAR Fresno Ca. 3060 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno. For more info call: 2094429326.
Article extracted from this publication >> January 24, 1996