NEW DELHI: In another case of Police brutality, a sub-inspector and two constables of Pabarganj Police station were suspended for allegedly assaulting the personal Secretary, the driver and a staff member of Janata Dal MP Ram Vilas Paswan last week.
The incident is second of its kind, following the drama at the Niahakpura police post after which six policemen were suspended and arrested after a brush with Food Secretary Ashok Chandra Sen’s family. Incidentally, both the incidents took place on the same day and both started over parking of Vehicles.
Paswan’s P.S. Vogendra Paswan, said that the three of them were first detained at the police booth at Chhey Tooti Chowk and bashed up after it took them some time to move their car and make Way for a PCR vehicle.
Then the driver, Shiv Kumar Paswan, and staff member Shriman Narain, were taken to the Paharganj police station and beaten up there also in the presence of the SHO.
The three policemen, Constable Mohammad Aslam, Constable Mohan Singh, diver of the PCR van and S-I Tarkeshwar Singh were later suspended when the Janata Dal MP took up the issue. The PS to the MP said the three of them had parked their car near the Chhey Tooti Chowk. A PCR vehicle came there and the driver was rudely (old to remove the car. “Since the lane is narrow, it toon us some time to remove the car. After just a few minutes, the con- stable again came up to us and started abusing loudly,” said Yogendra.
“It was at that time we told him that It was Paswan’s car. Then giving one blow to the driver on his neck, he asked what was Dacwan’e car doing there.”
“With that even the driver got angry. Shirman and the driver got down from the car to talk to the constable, Soon they came to blows. By that time, the PCR vehicle from the police station reached the spot,” said Yogendra.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 22, 1994