
I was surprised to read in your issue of October 19 that Bhai Wassan Singh Zafarwal had been arrested. To find the truth, I rang him up yesterday, and was relieved to find that neither he nor any other member of the Panthak Committee had been arrested, and that the news about this arrest was incorrect.

It appears that some interested party had managed to plant the story in your esteemed newspaper for the sole objective of sabotaging the Panthak Committee headed by Bhai Zafarwal, which, incidentally, is the only genuine Panthak Committee, having been constituted by the Sarbat Khalsa on Jan 26, 86.

The item in question goes on assert that Dr.Sohan Singh’s so called Panthak Committee is the only Sikh body so far immune from infiltration by Government Agents, I wonder if the case is quite the opposite. After all, who except a Government Agent could know this for sure? I very much suspect that both parts of the item in question have been planted by some agent to confuse minds and mislead the nation.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan

Oct 27, 1990

Reading, UK

(WSN has already printed a clarification that the report was incorrect. The distress caused due to this wrong report has been great and is deeply regretted Editor)

Article extracted from this publication >> November 9, 1990