July 9 to July 15, 1988 3rd Sikh Youth Seminar at University Of Windsor, Ontario (Canada)
* Sr. High * College * and University Students Of 17 Years or Older
Daily program which is developed by the youth includes presentations by the guest speakers, Punjabi Classes, Sports and Independent discussions. Space is limited. $50.00 deposit must be sent with application. Total cost $160.00 (US) $200.00 (Can.).
Write or call for further information: Mr. S.S. Bhangroo, Advisor: 3070 Lauzon Road, Windsor, Ontario, N8T 2Z8 (519) 9453267 or 9746735.
Sikh Youth Seminar
July 9 15, 1988
Phone:( )
Current Address:
(If different From Above e.g. School
Current phone ( )
Age ( minimum age –17)
Medical Insurance Policy No. (e.g. OHIP):
Are you (circle one): Vegetarian____ NonVegetarian.
Are you willing to present a short talk?
If yes, please give a topic that you will be able to prepare:
Cost: ($200 (Can.) $160 (US)
Non Refundable Deposit: $50 (must accompany this form)
Make cheques payable to: Young Sikh Persons International.
Please return by May 30, 1988 for processing to: 3070
Lauzon Rd., Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8T 2Z8
(519) 9453267.
1, Please make copies of this form if necessary.
- Participants will be housed in a University residence all facilities are air conditioned. Towels and bedding linen will be supplied.
- The daily program runs from 9:00 a.m., to 10:00 p.m. Activities include presentations, guest speakers, Punjabi classes, sports, and independent free time (University sports facilities are available during free time).
- Transportation is available from air/rail/bus terminals. Please enclose a short note if interested.
5, Wear working jointly with Camp Coordinator of IGS Gurmat Camp of Detroit, Michigan.
Article extracted from this publication >> June 24, 1988