The founding statement “There is some controversy as to whether yoga is a part of the Sikh way or not” is totally incorrect as is revealed by the study of Gurbani. “The two are independent faiths preaching different paths. It needs no logic to prove that one cannot claim a membership of the two faiths at the same time. A person who adopts a yogi cannot be a Sikh & a Sikh cannot be a yogi in the same way a Hindu cannot be a Muslim & vice versa. Yoga was rejected by Guru Nanak in the following strong words “Jogi Jugat Na Janai Aundh.”

I means yogis are ignorant and they do not know the path to Godt In Jap Jee Sahib (Pauris 28-31) the pre-amble to Guru Granth Sahib the Guru teaches the correct path to yogis. “Aaee Panthi Sagal Jama”

Ace panth is the superior most respect of the yogis. Gum says “Highest kind of yogi is that person who considers all human beings alike equal members of the same grade or group (not the one practicing yoga.) The Grnu also advised that “Ridh Sidh Aawra Saad” (ie performing miracles because of which yogis claim greatness) is not the correct path Sigh Gosht a fall length treatise contests logically and rejects the methods & philosophy of the yogis. Further a yogi is not allowed to many or have sex an anti-Sikh thought.

In the long article the author did not quote a single line from Gurbani to support his assumption.

Gurbakrsh Singh

By Mohinder Singh

Article extracted from this publication >> February 7, 1992