MOSCOW: On Oct5 President Yeltsin with the help of the Russian Army at last crushed the greatest threat to growing democracy in Russia. The revolt of the Parliament led by his former Vice President Alexander Ruts koi witnessed the worst political violence in the Russian Capital since the 1917 Revolution.
The split between Yeltsin and the Parliament came to a head with the dissolution of the hostile Parliament by Yeltsin on Sept.21 and the ordering of fresh elections. Alexander Ruts koi, the Charasmic Vice President and leader of the lawmakers responded by dismissing the President.
Attack on Parliament
The Russian Anny has sided. with Yeltsin in this conflict between ‘the politicians, General Konstantin Kobets, one of Yeltsin’ sloyal commanders ordered the storming of the Parliament on Oct.4 and the assault began at about7 a.m., led by a column of Armored personnel Carriers and T72 tanks with machine guns mounted on turrets, The defenders were overwhelmed by 125 mm shells fired from the tank guns and medium machine guns which sprayed the building (white house) with bullets. Crack air bome troops launched a floor by floor assault on the hundreds of legislators holed up inside.
By 5 p.m. the legislator gave up, shaken by the devastating explosions and machinegun fire, Gam faced Ruts koi. A former general was shown on Russian television boarding bus along with Khasbulatov, the chairman of the Parliament.
Public Support:
The leaders of the revolt were put in Moscow prison while Yeltsin seemed to be firmly in the saddle with the Russian public overwhelmingly supporting him. There have been no reports of any opposition to him in the provinces. Repos spoke of growing solidarity with the President who had been stalemated by legislature in his reforms process. Yeltsin has assured the Russian public that there will be reelections to the Parliament in December.
Stern measures: In a series of stem measures, the President has issued decrees which banned several neofacists and hard core communist organizations. Newspapers like Pravda and Den have been ordered closed.
The Constitutional Count, a panel created by Yeltsin that had turned: into center of power headed by. Valery D, Zorkinisalso being toned down. For the time being Boris Yeltsin, the Russian President, heading the powerful nuclear country seems firmly m control. Opposition to his regime is expected to grow and with his dependence upon the military, the role of Russian Armed Forces will assume increased significance according to reports emanating from Moscow.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 8, 1993