To all Sikh Sangat,

Waheguru Jl ka Khalsa,                       Washington

Waheguru Jl ki Fateh.                                     November 17, 1985

We the undersigned place full trust and faith in Gen. Jaswant Singh Bhullar’s work with the World Sikh Organization. His unselfish devotion to Panthic Sewa has earned him admiration from all.

It is very unfortunate that some unpanthic and unfounded rumours are being spread by many sources. We are requesting the Sikh Sangat to Ignore such rumours and work towards Panthic unity and Sewa to serve the cause of the Sikh Nation.

Sangtan De Das (Sd) Didar Singh Bains

President World Sikh Organization (International)


(Sd) Gian Singh Sandhu                       (Sd) Ganga Singh Dhillon

President WSO Canada                       President WSOUSA

Article extracted from this publication >>  November 22, 1985