VANCOUVER: In a telegram to the Canadian Prime Minister S. Gian Singh Sandhu, President WSO International pleaded for intervention to save the lives of Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh.

The full text of the telegram is a below:

’This is a final appeal for the lives of Satwant Singh and Kehar ‘Singh, two men who are condemned to die by hanging tomorrow Friday December 2, 1988 at 8:00 am.

These two men have been convicted of assassinating Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1984. Convicted of an assassination surrounded by massive confusion. Convicted in a trial which was motivated by political and religious considerations.

“The leaders in a free and democratic country are honored bound to do everything within their powers to halt a possible miscarriage of justice in another country.

“The World Sikh Organization begs of you, seek intervention, and stop this legalized murder, save the lives of these two men.”

  1. Gurcharan Singh Dhillon, President WSO (USA) sent a telegram to the Chief Justice of India and appealed to him to view the case from the right perspective.

The telegram stated that it was “an appeal for the lives of Sardar Satwant Singh and Sardar Kehar Singh who have been condemned to die by hanging. Both these young men have been convicted of an assassination surrounded by massive confusion and in a trial vitiated by political religious and personal considerations. They are not criminals but Saint Soldiers committed to their faith.

“The World Sikh Organization urges you to stop this judicial murder and save the lives of these two men.”

Article extracted from this publication >> December 9, 1988