NEPEAN ONTARIO: The World Sikh Organization (International) is diplomatically challenging internal policies of JAL (Japanese Air Lines) regarding seating arrangements. JAL has had a policy of segregating East Indians traveling to Delhi. The WSO has found this policy regrettable.

The World Sikh Organization is trying to safeguard the interests of Sikhs. The people in the Sikh Sangat can help if they begin to understand the need to start identifying themselves as Sikhs Sikh Canadians not Indo-Canadians Indian will ever look after such interests. They are not doing it in Punjab and will never do it for Air.

Line passengers Forget about India being Punjab not India As citizens of our new adopted countries Sikhs travelling to Delhi should ask for menus to be printed in Punjabi not Hindi Fight racism in a civilized and diplomatic manner.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 3, 1992