JAMMU: Indian Border Security Force (BSF) personnel shot dead a gold smuggler on Sunday in an encounter near Pura and recovered 204 gold biscuits.

BSF personnel manning a stretch of the Indian border with Pakistan fired on three intruders after they ignored an order to stop and opened fire Sunday morning.

Two others managed to escape.

The persistent and untiring efforts of the UK-based Sikh Human Rights Internet have brought home to Amnesty International the fact that something more than “accusing fingers” is needed to rouse the Indian rulers from the slumber of complacency towards the excesses by their security forces.

In an unprecedented move Amnesty International has issued an advertisement in the prominent newspapers calling upon the British people to inundate the Indian rulers with letters of protest over the regime of torture and rape let loose in the Punjab by their security forces.

The advertisement refers to frequent reports carried by the Indian press to the effect that women in Punjab were being raped and tortured by the polices and that the victims of these excesses were often related to men who were suspected of involvement with armed opposition groups.

The advertisement illustrates the point by reproducing one of the reports by Amnesty International originally published in April 1989 relating to the torture and rape of a Sikh woman simply because some of her relatives are involved in the struggle for Khalistan.

Reports by Amnesty International and other human rights Organisations were the “accusing fingers” that have failed to move the Indian rulers.

Will the people’s letters of protest accomplish this?

Time only will tell!

(Khalistan Gazette)

Article extracted from this publication >> April 12, 1991