The mystery surrounding the conviction of S. Kehar Singh has created The Amnesty International pleaded for mercy. Lord Gifford, a former judge and a member of the British House of Lords put his comments a huge cry by the world community. As follows, “I am deeply shocked by Kehar Singh’s death sentence. It is particularly shocking that a man should be executed on the basis of such evidence, which is at its highest, ambiguous and speculative.” (Globe and Mail Jan. 6, 1989).

A Hindu, Sadhu Mohan, broke his silence to warn the government of India and said, “Justice and tolerance have acquired serious distortions in the course of politician and partisan debate.” He further stated, “Mr. Venkataraman was put, “(on the defensive),” and thus shifted his attention from saving a condemned man to saving the dignity of his office.” (Globe and Mail Jan 6, 1989).

Bibi Pyar Kaur, the mother of S. Satwant Singh had her final meeting with her son for about 15 minutes and came out with the following message.

“He touched my feet and said, “I am ready for martyrdom. I will die with my head held high. I will never let down my community.” She said, “He prayed all day, was in good spirits and demanded nobody weep for him.” (Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 6, 1989).


Waheguru ji kakhalsa,  Waheguru ji ki fateh.

Yours Sewadar


 Vice President (South) WSO, USA.



“The star of a martyr is lit in the heavens.”

  1. Carducci

“The blood of the martyrs is.the seed of the church.”

Thomas Fuller.

“Perhaps there is no happiness in life so perfect as the martyrs.”

W.S. Porter

“One man’s religion neither harms nor helps another man.”

Ad Scapulam.

“We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Benjamin Franklin

“To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare that inhabitants to be either fools or slaves.”

C.A. Helvetius. “Nothing which is morally wrong can ever be politically right.”

Winston Churchill

“The hungry judges soon the sentence Sign,


And wretches hang that jurymen may dine.”


Alexander Pope


Article extracted from this publication >>  February 10, 1989