CHANDIGARH: Dramatic developments last week led unexpectedly to a 90 minute meeting between Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar and Akali leader Simran jit Singh Mann ‘who was said to have the support of all Akali factions and the Panthic committee of Dr Sohan Singh. Before Mann came to Delhi he had met with leaders of the Akali Dals Badal and Longowal at the JorMela at Fateh garh Sahib. These factions “authorised” him to talk to the center on the Sikh demand for self-determination. However the two factions have kept their separate identities ‘contrary to their earlier talk of a merger.

‘Surprisingly, the Panthic Committee in a lengthy statement supported the idea of talks with certain Pre-conditions and terms for modalities. The preconditions include the release ‘of Bhai Sukhdev Singh and Bhai Harjinder Singh and other ‘Sikhs held in prisons. The committee asked the govt to send it ‘a written agenda. It praised Shekhar as one with a balanced and unbiased mind and as a seasoned farsighted and able politician.

‘After remaining vaguely conciliatory for a few days, the prime Minister on Dec31 categorically stated that while talking to the militants the country’s unity and integrity would not be compromised. There could be no agreement with ‘anyone fit involved division of the country he said.

‘The Bhindranwale Tiger Force of Khalistan led by Baba ‘Gurbachan Singh Mano chatal issued a strong warning to Mann to desist from pursuing further his suicidal course and said there could be no talks ‘except on the modalities of Khalistan.

‘Observers here feel that the Indian government promoted the idea of a dialogue as a part “of its “Gulf Strategy”. The Government thinks that the conflict in the Gulf could spill over to the Indian subcontinent. In such an event Indian defense experts feel calm and peaceful Punjab would be to their advantage. Thus the talks were initiated as defense maneuvers. No ‘wonder Shekhar started taking ‘categorical stand on the basic Sikh demand as soon as the prospect of a negotiated Gulf settlement receded. He started assuring Hindus there would be no threat to the unity of the country and the talks would be to within the framework of the Constitution which he said may ‘be marginally amended to accommodate the Sikhs with a personal law. This offer was earlier made in 1984 by Indi Gandhi to SGPC chief GS. Tohra,

‘The Panthic panel which usually is very cautious political matters was taken in by certain intermediaries, The Committees tributes to Shekhar qualities caused many an eyebrow to be raised whether it had isolated Shekhar from Indian polity in its appraisal

Besides, the committee’s performances shows that it has still to cover much ground in the sphere of diplomacy.

‘Meanwhile, there has been certain laxity in the implementation of the code for the press. Most newspapers and official media have switched over to the word militant in place of terrorist. That is the only change after the code was announced. There has been no change in the attitude of the media in general toward the Punjab issue. In fact papers like the Tribune in few articles used such terms as “thugs” and “goondas” for the militants. The militants had to digest the insults. ‘The reason appears to be that the committee has spread its net too far and wide. Instead of concentrating on politically important matters the committee has started indulging in postings and transfer.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991