Following is the text of the statement by John G. Healey, Executive Director, of the Amnesty International:

“Amnesty International played no role in the drafting of this proposed legislation. The policies and practices of Amnesty International are governed by our mandate which prohibits us from supporting or opposing any economic sanctions that are linked to an improvement in the human rights situation.

“Amnesty International has been seeking a constructive dialogue with the government of India on the question of access and the possibility of sending a mission to India. Our latest request is still before the government. We trust that the new Indian government will recognize that the Amnesty International is a non-Partisan organization that seeks the protection of all people, irrespective of race, ethnic origin or political beliefs.

“Amnesty International has concerns about serious human rights violations in India which we seek to discuss with the Indian government. It is important for the government of India to recognize that Amnesty International has always treated the India in the same nonpartisan and objective manner in which it deals with all governments.”

Article extracted from this publication >> May 11, 1990