NEW DELHI: The eight years since Mrs. Gandhis assassination have passed slowly for the Sikh widows. They who watched their husbands and sons beaten to death and brut alive saw their homes looted see justice would never be done to them.

Two Sikh widows A sudhi Kaur Darshan Kaur and 13 others of Tilak Viar Nagar of Delhi tell about the false promises of the Indian government which are never completed.

In a joint statement they said “We were widowed in the November 84 riots following the assassination of Indira Gandhi. The Delhi administration employed us as nursing order ties in GTB Hospital Shahdara which is about 40 km from our place of residence at Titk Vihar. We had accepted this offer onty after receiving specific assurance from the Lt. Governor of Delhi that we would be given alternate jobs close to Tilak Vihar within six months.

Six long years however have elapsed and we continue to anguish in the same jobs which entails 80 kms of travel costing Rs 15 per day. We spend five hours travelling everyday change these buses reroute and are absent from our homes for 13 hours at a stretch. Apart from this our working hours are odd with frequent night duties. Travelling on DTC buses at odd hours has resulted in numerous and even molestation. However when on night duty we are extremely worried about our children especially 5 who we have to leave.

We have been moving from pillar to post and have left no stone unturned We have even reported to democratic forms of protest to get ourselves transferred but it all has been to no avail. The action we have taken so far includes (1). Eighteen memoranda and repeated reminders to authorities at various levels (2). Governors house to secure appointment with him (3) 15 visits to Secretary medical (Delhi Admin) office and finally a dharna at Raj-Niwas. Mercifully the L.t. Governor was moved DY the last action and granted us an appointment for Jan.29. He had assured us during the meeting that we would be transferred within a week to alternate jobs close to Tilak Vihar. But six weeks have passed and nothing seems to have happened. We write this letter in utter despair. We have tried all possible democratic means to get justified demand fulfilled but without any result. The system it appears is totally unresponsive 10 the call of the weak and deprived. Our faith in the democratic system judiciary and Gandhian non-violence has been totally shattered We are almost beginning to understand the rationality in the adoption of violent methods by youth all over the country.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 3, 1992