The Government keeps saying that criminals were hiding in the temple area. Only once, about a year and a half ago (late 1982), the government sent a list of 40 criminals to the SGPC (democratically. Elected temple administrative body). On examination the SGPC found that of the 40 listed, 18 could just not be in the Golden Temple. Some were in Pakistani jails for hijacking, some in Canada and West Germany by the government’s own admission in Parliament, a couple of them were dead, and: a few others had been released on bail. The remaining 22 could not be located inside the temple by the SGPC’s screening committee, since the particulars supplied were vague. Later, in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of the Indian Parliament), the home minister, P.C. Sethi admitted these facts. Since then, no further lists have been sent to the SGPC, and yet the government keeps declaring that criminals are hiding in the Temple complex.” Dr. S. Swamy
“The men were . . . burnt alive. . . All the women were stripped and many dishonored. She herself was raped by ten” men…
Chief Justice Sikri, p 16.
“military assault was a “virtual massacre” and that he (the police official) saw at least 13 Sikhs being tied with their own turbans and shot.”
Jonathan Broder.
“…they (neighborhood police) also beat this 75year old man and confiscated his unloaded licensed revolver which he had owned since 1944, They dragged him by his hair to the jeep and took him to the Police Station, continuing to hit him with the butts of their guns (The Police). He was told to kill two Sikhs if he wanted to be freed.”
Chief Justice Sikri, pp 21-22.
“A serving army NCO (Warrant Officer) was returning to Delhi from Amritsar in train . . .he was witness to the stopping of the trains on the approach to Delhi across the Yamuna river when Sikh passengers, including some Sikh soldiers, were beaten and or killed. After being beaten some were thrown into river while others were roasted alive. . . also saw heads and beards of dead Sikhs being shaved after which kerosene was poured over their faces and set alight so that the dead person could not be identified.”
Chief Justice Sikri. pp 24-25
Article extracted from this publication >> October 25, 1985