“Shouldest thou seek to engage in the game of love, Step into my street with thy head on thy palm.
While on to stepping, ungrudgingly sacrifice your head.” (Guru Nanak Dev Ji Martyr Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar
We salute Martyr Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar who had a love for his Guru and he indeed entered the Guru’s street with his head in his palm. Such valiant fighters are few and far between.
Babbar Khalsa International resolves to continue to fight for an independent Sikh state, Khalistan, until our goal is achieved. We appeal to all the Sikhs in the world to unite and cooperate with all the Sikh freedom fighting organizations led by Bhai Wadhawa Singh Babbar, Bhai Parmjit Singh Panjwarh, Dr, Pritam Singh Sekhon, Bhai Satnam Singh Chheena, Bhai Daljeet Singh Bittu, and Bhai Wassan Singh Jaffarwal so that we can defeat this powerful enemy (Indian fascist regime). Victory will finally belong to the Khalsa because Khalsa belongs to God. We also request you to pray for the “Charhdi Kala” of these Sikh generals. Babbar Khalsa International (France Branch)
Bhai Shingara Singh Babbar Bhai Buta Singh Babbar Khalsa International (Norway Branch) Bhai Gurcharan Singh Babbar Bhai Massa Singh Babbar international (Canada Brar Bhai Gurdev Singh Babbar Bhai Pala Singh Babbar.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 13, 1993