NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister, Mr V.P. Singh Sept 29 won a fresh confidence vote from the ruling party, when a resolution reaffirming full faith in his leadership ‘was passed by an overwhelming majority at a meeting of the National Front Parliamentary Party,

Four members staged a walkout before the resolution was carried, this represents a setback to the dissidents’ campaign against Mr Singh. Barring Mr Yashwant Singh, a trusted lieutenant of Mr Chandra Shekhar, who is leading the dissidents’ campaign, no ‘one made the demand for Mr Singh nation of the meeting.

Although some dissidents had threatened the previous night to raise the banner of revolt, the Prime Minister emerged stronger from the meeting as his arch rival and the former Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Devi Lal, tendered his resignation from the Lok Sabha, The Haryana patriarch handed over his letter of resignation to the Prime Minister at the meeting and left.

The parliamentary partly meeting, which was attended by 133 of the National Front 212 members of Parliament, had aroused considerable interest not only because the dissidents were expected to challenge the Prime Minister’s leadership but also because the government’s handling of the anti-reservation agitation was expected to come under attack. But, far from being an arena for a showdown, it turned out to be a forum where even some of those members, who had attended the dinner at Mr Yashwant Sinha’s residence last night, praised the Prime Minister.

NO DISCIPLINARY ACTION: The Union Minister for parliamentary affairs, Mr P.U pendra, who briefed the press, said some of the speakers at the meeting raised the question as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against those office bearers of the party who had been issuing statements criticizing the government. Asked if disciplinary action would be taken against those who had demanded the PM’s resignation yesterday, Mr Upendra said:

“No disciplinary action is contemplated. In any case attending a dinner at somebody’s house does not involve a breach of the party discipline.”

Mr Upendra said originally the resolution reaffirming faith in the PM’s leadership ‘was not on the agenda of the meeting, held on the eve of the Parliament session. The meeting was intended to apprise the party about the Punjab situation and measures taken by the government regarding the implementation of the Mandal Commission report.

But, the need for a resolution was felt after the morning newspapers splashed reports about a revolt in the party. Since the reports were not true, several members, including the Union finance minister, Prof Madhu Dandavate and Mr Jaipal Reddy, felt that resolution reposing confidence in the Prime Minister’s leadership should be passed.

INSUFFICIENT NOTICE: Mr Yashwant Sinha, opposed the resolution moved by Mr B.S.Hota, on the ground that sufficient notice for it had not been given. Mr Sinha maintained that there was no need for the resolution, for no one had questioned the Prime Minister’s leadership. “Even I had said the Prime Minister should resign on moral grounds, for the government had failed on all fronts,” Mr Sinha said.

Mr Sinha walked out when his objections were overruled. Mr Chand Ram, Mr Jayaprakash and Mr Harmohan Dhawan followed Mr Sinha out. As for the memorandum from dissidents, the parliamentary affairs minister said: “No such communication has been received. However, a letter was received from Mr Chand Ram in which he had demanded the PM’s resignation, but, at the meeting, Mr Chand Ram refrained from raising this demand.”

The meeting lasted five and a half hours, during which 36 members spoke after the Prime Minister’s introductory remarks on the situation following the government’s announcement on the Mandal Commission report. The Prime Minister said elections in Punjab would be held within six months of the further extension of the President’s rule.


Rajmohan Gandhi, Mr Chand Ram, Mr Lalit Vijay Singh, Mr M.S, Lather and several others, who are often listed among the dissidents, spoke at the meeting. Mr Rajmohan Gandhi said he was against any move for a change of leadership in the party. But, the leadership should try to represent the whole country and not a section of it Mr Chand Ram said owing to the agitation against reservations, the ruling party was not even in a position to hold a public meeting anywhere today. He was challenged on the issue by several members. ‘The Prime Minister intervened to say that he was going to address Public meeting in Patna on Oct 8.

Mr K.C.Tyagi said those opposed to the reservations should resign from the party, as the party manifesto had clearly promised implementation of the Mandal Commission report. Mr Yusuf Beg said a resolution should be passed at the meeting that all those who criticize the Mandal Commission report will be barred from holding party office.

Article extracted from this publication >> October 5, 1990