LUCKNOW: Former Prime Minister and Janata Dal leader V.P.Singh said on Dec.9 his party would extend “issue based” support to the Samajwadi Party Bahujan Samaj Party (SPBSP) combine in the formation of government in Uttar Pradesh, A message to this effect has been faxed to Governor Motilal Vora, he said.

Endorsing Singh’s statement at a Press conference, chief general secretary of the State unit of Janata Dal Mukhtar Anees said a decision in this regard had been taken at the Janata Dal Parliamentary Board meeting held in Delhi earlier in the day.

Subsequently, party President S.R.Bommai sent the message to the Governor.

Dispelling speculation about the imminent breakup of the party. Anees denied that there were differences among the members on the question of extending support.

He maintained the Janata Dal was united and committed to the cause of defeating communal forces represented by the BJP and its allies like the RSS, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad.

Stating that V.P.Singh had resigned from the post of Prime Minister rather than give in to the forces of communalism, Anees said the JD would oppose the formation of a BJP Government in the State at all cost. Therefore, it would extend an issue based support to the SPBSP combine.

The chief issues on which the JD would seek the cooperation of the combine include implementation of the Mundal Commission recommendations, increasing the price of sugarcane, granting scholarships and other benefits to Dalit Students and fulfilling the party’s commitments to farmers, weavers and fishermen, besides bringing the forces of social justice together.

Anees was at pains to clarify that the JD would sit in the Opposition and not be part of the government.

Questioned about the letters penned by Ajit Singh and former State Janata Party President Yadunath Patel to the Governor where they had stated that no credence should be given to the list submitted by State President of the party Hari Kewal Prasad, the chief general secretary pleaded ignorance.

He added that Ajit Singh had not raised any dissent in the party regarding its support to the combine.

Denying that Ajit Singh had been authorized to nominate the leader of the Janata Dal Legislature Party, Anees said Central observers Nitish Kumar and Sunil Shashtri had been asked to solicit the views of the legislators and convey them to Ajit Singh.

Ajit Singh who is camping in Lucknow remained incommunicado, while a section of workers close to him claimed that the leader’s noncommittal attitude was basically because he was awaiting Mulayam Singh Yadav to initiate a dialogue.

Responding to the moves being made by Ajit Singh, Mulayam Singh Yadav said V.P.Singh, $.R.Bommai, Bihar Chief Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav as well as Rasheed Masood had promised him the party’s support individually.


He added that at the behest of Bommai State Janata Dal President Hari Kewal Prasad had written to the Governor to assure him of the party’s support.

Yadav, however, clarified that he had not met Ajit Singh, “I have issued an appeal to all secular forces and parties for their unconditional support,” he said.

Yadav added that six of the eight newly elected Independents had already formally committed their support to the SPBSP with the Governor.

The remaining two were rebel SP candidates but parleys with them were under way, he said. Attempting to refute speculations of a faction of the Congress breaking away to join the BJP, Yadav said senior State leaders like Jagdambika Pal, party spokesman Dr.Ramesh Dixit, Ram Naresh Bhargava and Devendra Pandey had issued Press statements to the contrary, Pal and Dr.Dixit, he added, had met him earlier in the day to reiterate their party’s support.

Yadav castigated the RSSBJP combine for its alleged “rumormongering”, and declared that“’ rumors can get you votes, not help you make a government.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 17, 1993