NEW DELHI: A comparative diet card developed by the institute of health and nutrition in New Delhi, scientifically proves that vegetarian food is more cost effective and less harmful.

The card shows the nutritional contents of various varieties of common vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods.

Their list of comparative cost of one gram of protein and one kilo calorie of energy of 10 vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods is a clean argument in favour of vegetarianism.

The card shows that, on an average, the Cost of one gram of protein from non-vegetarian sources is around 10 times that of protein from vegetarian sources. Demystifying the health aura around non veg food scientists say cereal pulse combinations provide excellent food with high quality protein, almost comparable to milk and egg. The protein content of groundnut and soya bean is even higher than that of non-vegetarian food, they say.

‘Vegetarian food is easily digestible and has rich fiber content that keeps the digestive system fit and protects against cancer of the digestive tract, experts say.

Medical research has shown that eating excess of animal food can create coronary diseases and bowel cancer.

Experts also state the fact that human teeth are similar to those of herbivores lacking the sharpness to tear meat.

Article extracted from this publication >> October 19, 1990