SELMA; In the Khalistan struggle the militant martyrs sacrifice the ultimate against Indian government security forces and selected largest, Their sacrifice demands that faithful believers in the sovereign state of Khalistan and those who abhor the injustices and denial of human rights by the Indian Government give the Punjab front line support,
In the state declared war of the Indian Govt. against the Sikhs, there must be unity of principle among the Sikhs.’ was the focus of the day. And the Selma Gurdwara was the site Sunday July 26 for a Shaheedi Samagam to honor the martyrs of Khalistan. Sponsored by the S. Ranjit Singh Rana of Tut brothers, S. Charanjit Singh Sahota, Sikh truck drivers and truck owners of California ‘and the Gurdwara Committee, the event filled the hall.
After the traditional Bhog of ‘Arkhand Path the Sangat heard the emotive waran’s (warriors ‘songs) of Kavishri Jatha of Jogir ‘Singh Masat and Dhadi jatha of Nachhattar Singh Nagoke which were truly inspiring and familiar voices in the Khalistan movement and various Panthic organizations were represented: World Sikh ‘Organization (WSO) Babbar ‘KhaIsa Int. (BKT) and Sikh Student Federation (SSF) among them.
Reminding the Sangat that the faith they follow is the one of the Saint Soldier’ Gurcharan S:Dhillén, president , WSO, USA said, “we must be spiritually prepared for Khalistan and join in following Sikh principles not individuals, Our war is not against
Hindus but against the viewpoint of Hinduism which is so different from that of the Sikhs.”
In the same vien, Parminder Singh Dhillon, SSF said “Sikhs bow only to Guru Granth Sahib, we must beware of ‘fake’ leaders.” And Devinder Singh Babbar emphasized unity, based on self-denial, self-sacrifice and strong faith to those who consider themselves “sons of the Punjab.” The right to protect religion, culture and land is one supported by Sikh history. Undefeated ultimately, “the sons of the soil of Punjab may achieve the goal of Khalistan through self-denial and deep faith in the Guru who is their back bone.”
Didar Singh Bains, president, WSO, Intl recalled the history of Sikh rule under such as Maharaja Ranjit Singh and said, “look for guidance from Guru Granth Sahib.” % ‘
The analogy of professional sports was one speaker’s theme.
“Saying that no one can win any” thing without essentially “knowing the rules of engagement it is imperative that in this fight for Khalistan , Sikhs are professional
Furthermore, he stated that the “Gurdwara role was to provide a Sikh Sangats are divided among themselves and distracted from the most important issues,
Funds, time and talents are spent on new gurdwara buildings and management committee elections, Lawyers get wealthy as Sikhs use the courts to gain temporary control of various projects and budgets. Meanwhile, it might do to suspend developmental projects and frustrate the aims of the Brahmin rulers of India.”
Gumam Singh Pamma exhorted them to “Recognize your duty to the freedom struggle and the difference between truth and falsehood” and Devinder Singh Babbar said “Akal Takat is the head, find and unite behind one Jathedar,”
Appeals were made to support the legal defense fund for Bhai Ranjit Singh Gill “Kuky” and Sukhminder Singh “Sukhy” who are imprisoned in New York. WSO’s Gurcharan S. Dhillon also appealed to the Gurdwara to hold Bhog of Arkhand Panth for Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sukha and Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda assuring them to “go with God” upon execution if that is their destiny. The Selma Gurdwara answered yes.
The role and service of Sikh woman deserved credit said P.S. Dhillon of SSF and may more come forward. He added his appreciation and support of organizations such as the SSF and WSN as did Gumam S, Pamma and many others.
The Sangat was reminded of the WSO pledge to do anything to achieve Khalistan and the organization’s current goal to convince Indian MPs of the need for, and right to, Khalistan.
Bhai Jit Singh Baniwal of BKI thanked all those who had participated and Gurdwara Secretary S, Gurmit Singh Kalirai who did such a good job. The Selma Gurdwara is to be commended for their ongoing Punjabi classes. Held every Sunday they now have 30-35 students attending.

Article extracted from this publication >> Aug 7, 1992