VIRGINIA: A blood drive was held on May 301992 at the Sikh Foundation of VA to commemorate the Martyrdom of all Sikhs killed in the attack on Harminder Sahib in 1984.. While dewans and demonstrations convey the impact and import of Operation Bluestar this blood marked another way of remembering our innocent brethren.
Conducted by the American Red Cross this was the third blood drive conducted by the Sikh Foundation of Virginia. Almost 50 people came to donate blood and perform sewa in the tradition of service which is so dear to Sikhs Two senior Sikh citizens attracted much attention as they donated blood and fielded questions about the secret to their good health. At least some of the open secrets they mentioned were ho smoking no drinking intoxicants
The blood drive by the Sikh Foundation of VA came at a very opportune time according to the Red Cross. Typically there are shortages in the summer and the Red Cross had been making repeated media announcements seeking blood donations According to the management of the Sikh Foundation they hope to keep up the blood drives on a twice yearly basis at least. This represents a response to a larger community need. As the Red Cross flier on the wall read “Help save a Life. This could be You.”
Article extracted from this publication >> June 12, 1992