NEW DELHI: Mr. K.P. Unnikrishnan, M.P. general secretary of the Congress (S), said on Saturday that Mr. V.P. Singh deserved congratulations for revealing the numbers of certain identified clandestine accounts in Swiss Banks connected with the Prime Minister of India, his family or associates. “However I wish he had done so in Parliament itself. I hope Mr. V.P. Singh will pursue it to its logical end and the Loks Sabha itself and come out with more details he has of these operations” Mr. Unnikrishanan said in his statement.
He said democratic propriety demanded that Mr. Rajiv Gandhi should come out with the truth and clarify the issues and confront that moment of truth. The highest political public office of India cannot be compromised or remained tainted. If the Prime Minister has any propriety left, he would resign his office and come out with the truth and if the allegations are wrong he should provide against V.P. Singh.
Beware of
Article extracted from this publication >> November 18, 1988