Dr. Virinder S. Grewal, M.D., of Williamston, Michigan signed a contract with the officials of University of Michigan to establish a Sikh Chair along with Satnam Singh Bhugra of East Lansing and Kuldeep Singh of Detroit representing the Association for Sikh Studies of North America. Dr. Grewal thanked the administration of University of Michigan in starting a program on Sikh studies. and promised all the cooperation of Sikh Community of North America, He stressed that the Sikhs of North America have an obligation to the Western World to open the door of Sikh culture, religion, history, philosophy, literature, Punjabi language, and there is no other better way than this. He assured the university that this program will be used purely for academics. Dr. Grewal presented his personal pledge of $15,000 for the establishment of the Chair to Mary Ann Swain, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University of Michigan. Mr. Kula deep Singh thanked the Administration and informed that he has already with him pledges for over $110,000 for the program.

Dr. Bhugra thanked the a administration in letting the Sikh Community start a venture of this caliber in one of the best universities of the United States of America.

The Sikh community has to collect $150,000 endowment to start a Visiting Lecture Program. When the endowment reaches $350,000, a permanent appoint to the program will be made. The goal is to collect one million dollars in 510 years to establish a Sikh chair. Then a full term professor in Sikh studies will head the department.

Dr. Grewal appealed to the Sikh community of North America to donate generously to reach the above goal. The donations are to be made directly to the University of Michigan, 2522 LSA Building, University of Michigan, and Ann Arbor, MI 481091382 towards Sikh Studies Program. The donations are tax deductible. In order to keep a progress report, he requested to be informed about the donations at his address, 765 Sherwood, Williamston, Michigan, 48895. The Community will be informed from time to time about the progress.

Article extracted from this publication >> August 8, 1986