NEW DELHI (PTI): India is among a select band of countries that will address a special three day session of the United Nations general assembly on environmental issues in New York beginning on Nov.2 this year.

This rare honor has been bestowed on India considering the key role it played early this year at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) at Rio De Janeiro in Brazil.

Minister for environment Kamal Nath will address the UN general assembly on Nov.2 on the post UNCED deliberations and on issues that need to be followed-up since the earth summit according to official sources.

Environment ministers from United Kingdom Federal Republic of Germany and Japan would also address the session.

Agenda 21 the blue-print for sustainable development adopted at the earth summit at Rio will also be formally presented to the UNGA by UNCED secretary general Maurice Strong.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 6, 1992