NEW YORK: Two young Sikhs have spent two years in jail in New York in spite of the fact that they have not been charged with any crime in the United States.
Ranjit Singh and Sukhvinder Singh were arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from a gas station in Matawan N.J., on May 14, 1987.
They were arrested on the request of the Indian Government who had asked for their extradition. Both had brilliant academic records, Ranjit Singh was studying for M.S.c degree in Genetics and Sukhminder Singh was studying for Masters in Geography.
They were active members of the All India Sikh Student’s Federation and have been involved in the Sikh community affairs for many years,
They were falsely implicated by the Punjab police in a case of attempted murder of a Superintendent of Police A.P Pandey. A commission of enquiry appointed by the Punjab government headed by Justice Ajit Singh Bains exonerated both of them but the police still did not drop the charges against them.
They were also accused of killing Gen. Vaidya the former Chief of Staff of the Indian Army who Had lead the bloody assault on the Golden temple June 1984. It has been a strange experience, the two young men are held on “evidence” which to quote, the famous Indian Lawyer, Ram Jethmalani, “would be thrown out of any court in India or the U.S.”
Judy Russell the Special Assistant United States Attorney who. represented the Indian Government in the extradition case was discovered to be the person who had been sending threatening letters to herself and the magistrate, Ronald J. Hedges, who presided over the case.
The magistrate after this trial issued certification of extradition for Ranjit Singh and Sukhminder Singh.
The threatening letters has induced the authorities to take stingent security measures which included shackling of the respondents Ranjit Singh and Sukhyinder Singh throughout the proceedings, and vitiated the atmosphere at the trail.
Russel subsequently pleaded, “not guilty for reason of insanity” and was virtually exonerated by Judge Politician much to the outrage of the community.
World Sikh News spoke to a broad range of Sikh community leaders in the United States. A common thread which emerged from there telephonic interviews was their concern for Ranjit and Sukminder their solidarity with them and their admiration for the courage and fortitude:
Amarjit Singh Grewal, N.J: As ‘we have seen, justice for these men will take a long time to come, but we will continue to extend our full support to them till they get freedom.
Ranjit and Sukhminder are innocent men being used as pawns by the Indian government. How can anyone believe a government who lies and fabricates evidence? Baldev Singh, N.Y: 1 appreciate the courage with which, (i) they are facing a death threat in India and (ji) facing the situation in which the Indian government is using all its resources, including framing false charges, against them, to get. them in its clutches.
The fact that such well-educated and prominent people are involved in the struggle for the independent state shows that it is a demand of the mainstream intellectual Sikhs and not what government calls a “fringe group.” Gian Singh Sandhu, Canada: Two innocent young Sikhs are suffering in America jails. They should have the same rights and be treated in a manner which is similar to the treatment of any American suspect. They not only face persecution, if they were ever to go back to India. but also a threat of death. Gurcharan S. Dhillon, CA:: It is our moral obligation to continue to support Ranjit Singh and Sukhminder Singh. We will continue to extend our wholehearted support to them and we ask all others to contribute in this noble task.
They are no longer just the members of one family but the entire Sikh family, They are related to everybody. Dr.Gurinder Singh Grewal: Ranjit Singh Gill and Sukminder Singh are two freedom fighters who have not committed any crime in this country.
We stand with them and will use every legal help to get them free in the country. Even though it appears India govt has been successful in creating antiSikh environment in the court but truth has come out Judy Russell has admitted her wrong doings. Hopefully with the helpful of our attorneys and grace of God we will see them free with us some day. Harbhajan Singh Gill, N.Y: lam yery disappointed and concerned about the plight of Ranjit Singh and Sukminder Singh. I visit both of them in the M.C.c. New York since a year. I find them an endless source of encouragement and inspiration.
The way this extraditation case is going is not encouraging, If the Sikh community as a whole start working to inform the American people about their fate, I am sure bells will ring in Washington and we can find them a permanent home in this country.
Jagjit Singh Mangat, N.Y : Sukhminder and Ranjit are two gems of our Sikh community. Their contribution to the struggle the courage and fortitude with which they face their incarnation and that threat of torture and death were they ever to return to India, are like what read in history rather than what I have seen in the last two years. The dignity with which they conduct themselves is an example to all of us.
Labh Singh, N.Y: Ranjit and Sukhminder are the backbone of our struggle. We will continue to help them as much as we can and we hope to see them as free men in the United States soon.
Lakhbir S. Cheema, CA: They are very nice boys. It is the duty of the Sikh community to help these innocent young men in every way possible. Were they ever to go to India we know that they will suffer the same fate as that of other young Sikh men in India they are tortured and killed in fake encounters.
Mary B. Pike, NY: During the now almost two years I have been representing Sukhminder Singh and Ranjit Singh, I have come to. develop great respect and affection for them.
They are gentle and dignified young men who have been facing with enormous courage the desperately frightening situation in which the Indian government has entrapped them.
Rajwant Singh MD: Their positive attitude has been a source of inspiration for people like me. We must continue to send a message of reassurance to these young Sikhs because that will send a positive message to everyone involved in the struggle, Sikh community in the U.S. is concerned about their safety and requests the freedom loving nations to use their influence to save there young souls from India governments hands.
Surinder Pal Singh Kalra, Chicago: The state terrorism of India is rampant, it affects the youth of the Punjab. These are two youth activists of AISSF can also be victims of state terrorism if they are sent back to India.
William Kunstler: I was the first U.S. lawyer to see these two young men, I was very impressed by their background and the background of their families. I knew that they would be murdered if they were to return to India and I decided to do everything in my power to Prevent that.
Article extracted from this publication >> May 19, 1989