Killing Sikhs and allow international human Rights organizations within its borders to conduct human rights investigations unencumbered by governmental interference.” in a December 7 letter to Indian Ambassadors, Ray, Rep. Frank Wolf(RVa_) wrote,*Government Repression against any ethnic group is wrong, and in my view, counterproductive to a functioning democracy. I strongly encourage You to use your good office to Protect the rights of all Sikhs who: wish to freely and peacefully express their views and cease all Government sponsored violence against them, i also encourage you to begin investigating potential wrongdoing by police officers in the Punjab region responsible for torture and murder and allow unimpeded investigations by international human rights groups,” Rep, Wolf added.

Recently, a delegation from the Belgian Parliament was prevented from visiting Punjab, Khalistan to obtain a firsthand view of the atrocious situation there. In addition, on November 10 the Tribune of Chandigarh quoted S.S. Manak, a Black Cat Commando in the Punjab police, as saying that he witnessed the ‘killings of 11 Sikhs for cash awarded by the Indian government. Rep. David Bonior (DMich.), the second ranking Democrat in the House, wrote to Secretary of State Warren Christopher that “Brutal crackdowns like we have seen in Punjab do not sow the seeds for future stability. This conflict must be resolved peacefully and democratically.”

“We are very pleased that such important American leaders are recognizing the brutal tyranny the Indian regime is inflicting on the Sikh nation,” said Dr. Aulakh. “These statements are further evidence that despite its bloody repression, India is destined to fall apart just as the Soviet Union did, With 18 official languages, it cannot hold together despite all its brutality, just as Dr. Jack Wheeler has predicted, India is the last vestige of the colonial era, “Dr. Jack ‘Wheeler of the Freedom Research Foundation, who foresaw the breakup of the Soviet Union, predicted in the June 29 issue of Strategic Investment that within 10 years, “India will cease to exist ‘as we know [it).”” “India’s obsessive fixation on its so-called territorial integrity is sunscreen for brutal If Ethiopia can accept an unsponsored referendum. For the independence of Eritrea, then why can’t India, the so-called ‘world’s largest democracy,’ accept a plebiscite in Khalistan.” “The Sikh nation is a separate entity which ruled itself from 1765 until 1849. No Sikh has ever signed the Indian constitution,”*he pointed out. “Freedom for Khalistan is inevitable and it is coming soon,” Dr. Aulakh said, “It is time for India to recognize reality and withdraw from Khalistan. It is time for ‘America to stop rewarding I repression with aid and trade.”

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 16, 1994