LUCKNOW; The UP chief minister, Mulayam Singh Yadav, is determined to thwart the Sangh Parivar’s designs to capture the land taken over by the Center following the demolition of the disputed structure at Ayodlhya.

The Chief Minister said? “I have successfully handled the saffron brigade in the past, and will do so again, I will see that nobody takes the law into their own hands.”

A confident Yadav, however, declined to disclose his plans for thwarting their move. The issue has assumed importance in a view of the fact that it has been raised by none other than the new RSS chief, Prof Rajendra Singh and backed by the VHP and other allied organizations.

Referring to the political situation in Bihar, Yadav clarified that he would not have any truck with the ruling Janata Dal in that state. He also made it clear that the alliance with the BSP was only limited to Uttar Pradesh.

 The Samajwadi Party will not join hands with the BSP in Bihar in defeating the Janata Dal, be added.

 On Uttarakhand, Yadav was quite emphatic. “I made a promise to the people of the hill region during my election campaign that they will have a state of their own. This pledge will be redeemed sooner rather than tater.”

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994