PUNE: Top Militant Sukhdev Singh, alias Sukha, was yesterday found guilty of sending a letter 0! threat to murder former Pune Police Commissioner B.J. Misar and sentenced to two years simple imprisonment and asked to pay a fine of Rs. 500.

Sukha has already been sentenced to seven years rigorous imprisonment by Designated Court Judge V.L. Ruikar, who held him guilty on the charges of attempting to murder a Sub Inspector and under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act on May 9.

Earlier Mr. N.M. Gosavi, Judicial Magistrate, had found Sukha guilty under Section 507 of the IPC.

Mr. Misar had received a letter written in Hindi on September 1, 1986, stating: “We have succeeded in sending Gen. A.S. Vaidya to heaven. Now we are planning to send you to hell, We will succeed and that too before September 5.”

Sukha and Nirmal Singh, alias Nimma, were arrested in September 1986.

Fare Forward,

Brothers, Not Farewell

Article extracted from this publication >> October 14, 1988